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Well, seeing as the vast majority of people want a third book, I guess I'm going to have to write it.It will be different in a way from the first two, so be prepared for that.

As of right now I have drafted about a chapter and a half, the first of which I will be publishing tonight.

New characters will be introduced, but the majority of old characters will still be there, namely Credence and Graves (of course).

I'm hoping for it to be at least 15 chapters long, but we'll see how it goes.

- It will be called 'The Dragging Dawn'.
- It will be the last book in this trilogy.
- It is set 25 years after the events of 'Forever Forgotten', so will be set 30 years after 'The Second Salem'. So it is set in 1956.

You must also remember that I have nothing to go off of. I had the film for the first book, but pretty much everything in the second and third have and will be made up by me. So please just be open to whatever I decide to put in.

Also, please be open to the new characters I have created, I'm sure you'll grow to love them as much as I have while writing about them.

Forever Forgotten [Book Two]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt