Chapter 14

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"Did you ever find out about that spell?" Credence asked, putting on his tie.

"Hm?" Graves shot him a questioning look.

"The one Grindelwald used. The one that shouldn't have existed."

"Ah yes, well... Yes and no."

It was Credence's turn to look confused.

"It turns out that Gellert Grindelwald is a fan of divination."

"What's divination?"

"The ability to look into the future and see what is going to happen."


"Well, sometimes, if you're really good at it- which Grindelwald would be, on account of the fact that he is so powerful- you can have visions of the future to do with someone who will be important. Sometimes these visions are of people who aren't even born yet."

"Ok. So, what does divination have to do with that spell?"

"Grindelwald had a vision of a boy, a student, creating the spell at some point in the future."

"That's a bit random, don't you think?" Credence said as he brushed stray niffler fur from his suit jacket.

"Well, obviously this boy is going to be important in the future. For good or bad, I don't know. Well... I mean if he's thinking of spells such as 'Sectumsempra', I know where I would put my money."

"Do you know how he'll be important? Or when?"

"No. I'll guess we'll just have to find out, won't we?" Graves flicked his wand and his tie magically fixed itself. "Anyway, Grindelwald liked the spell, and decided to use it for himself."

A couple of minutes later, they were both fully dressed and ready to go. Credence began to walk out of the door just as he was fixing a flower onto his shoulder.

"Credence, wait." Graves called after him. "There's something I need to talk to you about."

"Yes?" Credence stepped back into the room, suddenly shy. He knew what this was going to be about.

"You do know that it's not your fault, don't you? What you did with Grindelwald."

Credence nodded, eyes trained to the floor.

"I know it must have been very difficult for you, and I promise to support you in any way that I can. But you won't hide your feelings away from me, will you? You'll tell me about how it's affected you?"

Credence nodded again.

"Good. You know I'll want to help you in any way I can." Graves continued. "Speaking of which... There are two things I need to ask you."

"What?" Credence asked, finally looking up at the man.

"Would you consider going to Hogwarts?"

Credence was taken aback. "What?"

"You need to learn magic, Credence, and I wasn't doing a good enough job teaching you myself."

"Even if I were to go to a Wizarding school, why wouldn't I go to Ilvermory?"

Graves smiled sadly. "I think we need a bit of a break from America, don't we?"

"But what about your job? Our friends?"

"I can find another job, and our friends will never stop being there for us. They'll always be our friends. But I've spoken to the headmaster there, so you've got the all clear."

"So you'd live in England?"

"Yes, you'd be at the school during term time, but would come and live with me for the holidays. I'd be close by, in case you ever need me."

"Is this just another way of saying we need to have a break in our relationship?" Credence asked sadly, dreading the response.

Graves chuckled sadly. "Dear God no, Credence. I love you. In fact, I still have something else that I need to ask you." He put a hand to his throat and pulled a chain over his head which had something attached to it. Taking the thing off, he took a step away from Credence and got down on one knee.

Credence looked on in shock as Graves opened his mouth to speak again, his eyes watering.

"Credence Barebone. Will you do me the honour of marrying me?"

Credence couldn't speak for a minute or so, and just stood there, not knowing what to do or say. He suddenly found himself nodding and screaming the word "Yes!" over and over again.

Graves got up and placed the ring on Credence's finger before wrapping his arms around him and holding him close.

"We've spent too much time apart from each other." Graves said. "I want to be with you forever, Credence. As soon as you've been to Hogwarts and learnt to harness you're power, we'll be able to live in peace."

"I won't be the Obscurial anymore?"

"You won't be the Obscurial anymore!"

Credence stood there, just crying into Graves' chest, overwhelmed with love and relief.

"But wait..." Credence said. "I thought we weren't able to get married, I thought that there was a law against it."

"There was a law against Jacob and Queenie getting married, and yet look at them now. Times are changing, Credence. At least, in the Wizarding world they are. No-Majes have their own ridiculous laws but, if anyone dares to stop us from getting married then they'll have to answer to me and my power. I'm the Director of Aurors at MACUSA and you're the man who stole all three Deathly Hallows from the Gellert Grindelwald, they'd be mad not to give us what we want. That way, we can also help others like us in the future."

There was a knock on their door and Newt's voice could be heard from the other side. "Are you too coming? We're going to be late, otherwise."

"Should we tell them?" Graves asked.

"No." Credence said, shaking his head and wiping away his tears. "Let's wait until tomorrow, at least." He cleared his throat, calling out to Newt. "We're ready! We're just coming out now, Newt!"

They separated and smoothed out their clothes again, trying to look more presentable. With one final glance at each other, Credence walked over to the door and opened it, closely followed by Graves where they came face to face with Newt, who was looking just as smart as they were, and Tina, who looked gorgeous in her emerald dress, stood in the landing of the house.

"We'd better get going if we're walking." Tina said. "I couldn't bare being late to my own sister's wedding."

And with that, they went outside together, walking through the fresh snow on their way to the Church, Newt arm in arm with Tina, and Graves' and Credence's shoulders brushing as they walked side by side.

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So that's it guys! Second story finished!

I want all of the feedback. I need all of the feedback.

The most important thing though: do you want a third and final story (it will be quite different from the first two), if you do, a chapter will still be published each day.

Please comment and vote and share. I've worked so hard on this.

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