Chapter 5

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"Take my wand." Graves commanded.

"Why?" Credence asked, eyebrows knitted together.

"Because I'm going to teach you how to be a Wizard."

Credence carefully touched the sleek wand, brushing his fingers tentatively over the smooth wood as Graves held it out to him. He slowly wrapped his hand around it and instantly felt power surge throughout his body, filling a part of him that he didn't know was missing.

"Congratulations, Credence." Graves chuckled. "You've managed to pick up the damn thing. But that was the easy part."

"What's the hard part?"

"Everything else."

- - - - -

"How do you think they're coping?" Queenie asked her sister as they were sat in one of the guest rooms in Graves' house, wedding magazines strewn open across the bed.

"I'm sure they're doing fine." Tina said just as a loud bang and shouting came from the room next to them.

"... Oh dear." Queenie bit her lip.

"... I'm sure he'll get better as time goes on."

"Yeah, after all, it's only his first try."

- - - - -

"Try again!" Graves sighed.

"I can't." Credence cried out desperately.

"It's a simple spell, it's almost as if you're using too much magic."

"I can't control it, I say the word but it just doesn't want to cooperate."

"It's a wand, Credence, not an animal. Try again."

Credence drew in a breath, concentrated as much as he could and held the wand out in front of him. "Lumos." He muttered.

Sparks shot out of the wand at every angle, making Graves hold up his hands to protect his face.

"Alright, alright..." Graves thought for a moment. "Try the summoning spell, that way nothing should come out of the wand at least."

"How do you do that one?"

"Just hold your wand out, focus on something you want to come to you, and say 'Accio'. Simple."

"That's what you said about the Lumos spell." Credence grumbled. Graves glared at him.

Credence rolled his eyes and focussed on a pen on the other side of the room.

- - - - -

"I mean we must've been that bad in our first year at Ilvermorny." Queenie muttered.

"Oh yes, we were probably even worse." Tina tried to say confidently. "I'm sure Newt could say the same thing about him and Hogwarts-"

Suddenly  she was cut off as the wall connecting their room and the one Credence and Graves were in was ripped away, collapsing to the floor with a thud. Dust clouded their vision but they could see a sheepish Credence and bewildered Graves stood staring at them through the newly created hole.

"How is that even possible!" Graves cried in anguish. He snatched his wand back from Credence and fixed the wall with a flick of his wrist, separating the two rooms again.

"Well..." Queenie started, turning to her sister. "Okay, maybe Credence isn't cut out for this. Maybe he's too old to start learning magic now."

"Or maybe he needs a different teacher. A qualified one."

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