Chapter 11

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Months had passed. From the small amount of information that Queenie was able to gather when she handed out coffee to the Aurors, MACUSA were slowly but surely closing in on Grindelwald and Credence, but were still a long way off.

Grindelwald had made sure to cover his tracks this time.

"No No-Maj has died yet." Graves said thoughtfully.

"That's good, isn't it?" Newt asked, slightly confused. "It means that Picquery hasn't had reason to execute you yet, doesn't it?"

"Yes. But..." He paused for a second, trying to think of the right words. "Why?"

Newt stared at him quizzically for a second before replying. "What do you mean?"

"Why hasn't anyone died yet? It's been months. Surely Grindelwald must have done something by now. Why hasn't he used Credence? What are his plans?"

"Maybe he doesn't want to do anything too drastic before he has all of the Deathly Hallows."

"But then why would he take Credence so early? Why not wait?"

"Maybe  he knew that we would've done everything in our power to keep him away from Credence if we knew that he had already gotten hold of all of them."

"But we did do everything in our power to keep him away from Credence." Graves started, suddenly growing angry and glaring at the other man.

Newt simpered. "You know what I mean." His eyes were downcast as he suddenly became aware of how interesting a bit of fluff on the carpet was.

"We did everything in our power while remaining kind to him. We couldn't have locked him up any more as if he were an animal or a criminal."

"I know."

"Well, I mean, MACUSA are certainly treating him like a criminal..." Graves muttered.

"I know."

Graves glared at Newt again. "What's the matter with you?"

"Nothing, Graves. Absolutely nothing." Newt said through gritted teeth.

Graves looked around the room, suddenly aware of himself and his surroundings. "Where's Queenie?"

"She's with Jacob."

"... Why?"

Newt stared in amazement. "They're planning their wedding."

"Oh, right. Yes... And where's Tina?"

"Asleep. She was out all night, looking for any sign of Credence and Grindelwald. She's tired, Graves. She's doing all of that on top of her usual work at MACUSA."

"She's helping MACUSA?"

"Of course not. None of us are. But we need to pretend that we are, so that we can at least keep our jobs." Newt stood up, brushing non-existent dust from his trousers. "Now talking about sleep, I need to get some myself." And with that, he walked out of the room, leaving Graves alone with his thoughts.

"What is Grindelwald doing?" He muttered to himself, still wondering.

- - - - -

"I've done it, Credence!" Grindelwald called happily as he apparated into the room. He wrapped an arm around Credence's waist and kissed him.

"Done what?" Credence asked, wrapping his arms around the other's neck.

"Gotten the Cloak of Invisibility!" Grindelwald spun Credence around in his arms, unable to control his corrupted sense of joy and excitement.

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