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I woke up with a start, so were the others.

There was a faint sound, probably the band.

"9:55" I said as I looked at the clock.

Then the three men rushed around to get ready for the morning.

"Why the hurry?" I asked.

"Brunch starts at 10! And doors close in 15!" Dipper said rummaging through the closet.

No! I want food!

At that thought I just brushed my teeth and went to the closet.

I got a birthday cake sweat shirt, black skinny  jeans and heeled knee length brown boots.

Gruncle stan got a white dress shirt, black formal pants and his black shoes.

Too formal.

Gruncle ford wore a black sweater with a six fingered hand on it, black pants and his own boots.

Why is there six fingers?

Dipper ran out of the closet to wear his sneakers. He's wearing a red unbuttoned flannel over a black long sleeve, dark blue pants. And when he turned around his back pockets have pine tree prints on it.

We all ran out the room and dashed to the dining room.

We made it!

"Oh are you the humans?" One of the maids said.

I nodded my head fast but she seems to understand.

"Oh sorry you're having brunch outside so you better rush if you want to make it"

When I looked at the table there were dirty dishes.

We have to run? Again!?

Then we ran again the music getting louder as we rush to the front doors.

We're gonna make it, we're gonna make it!

We did.

We saw pyronica and the subconscious beside the gazebo, they were sitting in a table for 8.

"Who's the extra seat for?" I asked sitting down beside Dipper who sat beside star.

They gave me looks I couldn't decipher.

"Ohhh!" I said getting it.

It was because we're 7 but having 7 seats would be weird so there was an extra chair.

We sat for a while until the band played another song.

I'm sitting with an empty glass with a missing part,

Thinking to myself what have I done,

Cause as our future got bright we started losing light,

And I couldn't see that you were the one,

The usual band was just playing their instruments, the ones really singing were really easy to spot, it was Dipper and bill in human form wearing a mask, like the ones psychos use, they look around 15

Bill was starting the song.

So can we push push push rewind?

Go go back in time?

When we were kids sneaking bottles of wine,

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