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"Hmmm . . . So you want me to escort you to the most demonic hallway of memories?" Stargazer said.

"Yes" Ford said. "Is it possible?"

"Ha! Sixer anything is possible in the mindscape!" Cipher said. "And that includes me joining you guys"

"He" Star pointed to his other half. "Has to go with us"

Ford hesitated. "Fine, lead the way."

Star started walking to a group of hallways that were grayscale. "What's on the list?"

Dipper opened the spell book and read the things they needed. "Strings of favored puppet. Knife of killed enemy. Blood of first caught demon"

Star hummed. "That's gonna be quite a problem." Cipher said, leaning at the entrance. "Its not gonna be easy."

"We know that's why we need help." Stan said.

"Fine, but if you die then its . . . Not my problem" Cipher said, saying the last words quick and leading them to a hallway named.


"Hello?! Anyone here!" Cipher shouted, his voice echoed in the empty hall.

Just then light footfall were heard. Then it came louder and louder until it was running footsteps.

Someone hugged Dipper from behind, of course Dipper was surprised. "Hiya! Dips—ah! Stick. Dipstick" the hugger said letting go of Dipper and to playfully punch star that nudged him.

"I'm . . .Bipper." he said, grabbing dipper's  hand and shaking it.

"Uh . . .hi Bipper?" Dipper said, confused as always.

"Now you know me . . . Get out" Bipper said, un-sweetly.

"Bip. We're just—" cipher said but was cut off.

"Nope. No buts.no nuts.no coconuts. Leave!"Bipper said pushing them out.

"How 'bout a deal?" Star said.

Bipper paused then stopped pushing them. "Alright. What's your bargain" Bipper said.

"We leave when we complete our mission which is to collect the materials needed that can be found here. You get—"

"A puppet!"

Star paused. The others went tense and it looks like Dipper is about to gave an attack.

"A puppet . . . A very small price to pay." Bipper said, a smirk on his face.

"Fine" Star said, like it was nothing. "Dipper Pines your new puppet."

Bipper smiled like a child on Christmas. "Dealio!" He said, shaking star's hand as it gives out a blue flame. It died down when he let go.

Blue glowing strings tied themselves onto dipper's wrists and ankles. he said disappointed, "no! Not again!"

"Alright my end of the deal" Star said. "I could tell he is your favorite puppet."

"Yes. Nothing better~" Bipper said, watching his puppet panic.

"Give me his strings. That's one thing I need." Star said, a smug look on his face.

"Wow . . . I'm speechless. By e puppet." Bipper said, removing the strings and giving it to ford.

"You'll be a great deal demon one day." Bipper said, falling for the loophole.

Star pointed to cipher who was calling Dipper down and explaining that he's free. Bipper rolled his eyes and led the group deeper down the closed door-ed hallway. "What's next pine tree? . . . Not you."

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