{03. "Little one."}

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Once Louis brings in the toys along with Liam, Niall instantly heads toward the scratching post for his claws.

"Th-They never had one l-like this at the s-store," he said while pouting, continue to scratch at it.

Liam pouts a bit at that before shrugging his shoulders. "Can you watch him for a second? I need to get into comfortable clothing."

Louis nods before Liam heads toward his room, finally being able to get comfortable in his home after the long hours at work.

When he comes back down after quickly changing his clothes, he sees Niall scratching at his post with his nails. He smiles gently and sits down next to Louis who is sighing happily.

"He is already so good. You've got a really smart one." Liam smiles a bit and nods, sighing happily because Niall is now playing with his toys: a squeaky mouse, a laser pointer, and a cute, dark brown teddy bear. The perfect toys for Niall.

"I'm sure he'd want someone to play the laser pointer with. Go play with him,."

Liam nods and sets his phone down on the table before going over to his hybrid. Niall looks up at him, his gorgeous blue eyes popping out more than usual and a smile coming onto his face because of Liam sitting with him.

"Wh-What? Does Liam wanna play w-with Niall," he asks, looking down at all of his toys. He does have more than just three; he has about 15, which is good enough for him.

Liam nods firmly."I do, little one. Why don't we play with the laser?"

The young hybrid's eyes grow and he starts getting in position to get it, making Liam and Louis chuckle. Louis is videotaping it.

Liam turns on the laser and starts moving it around after putting it on the floor. Niall's eyes follow it like a hawk.

He licks his lips slowly before pouncing onto it, it being next to his caretaker. He smiles up at Liam who is laughing softly.

"N-Niall got i-" he gasps when it moves onto the scratching post, making him growl quielty before he runs over on all fours, clawing it at with ease. "N-Niall got it again," he states while sticking his tongue out at Liam who is smirking.

Liam moves it onto the middle of his own torso, Niall smirking along with him before running towards him. He pounces onto Liam, making him fall onto the carpeted flooring with an oof leaving past his lips.

Niall smiles down at Liam, giggling softly as his own stares into his beautiful eyes. "You have gorgeous eyes, little one." Niall blushes beet red, giggling again while staring into Liam's eyes.

"L-Liam has perfect well... E-Everything. Face, eyes, b-body, p-personality... Thank y-you for buying me, L-Liam."

He can't help but coo at the cute hybrid while Louis is awing at the two of them.

"You're too kind, little one. Thank you for the kind words because I think the same about you."

Niall's blush deepens as Louis then stopped recording the both of them chuckling. "You two should get a room, definitely." Liam snaps his head toward Louis, his eyes growing wide as he blushes harder than Niall who is now confused.

Niall doesn't understand a lot of the world's terms, phrases, and words. He knows how to say them, most of them, but he doesn't know a good chunk of their meanings.

"Wh-Why should we g-get a room? Aren't w-we sharing one anyway?" Liam sighs and rolls his eyes at Louis as he is grinning from ear to ear. Louis knows just how to push his Liam's buttons, but that's what makes him great.

"Yes, we are sharing one, love. Louis is just playing a joke on us, just pretending, lying about what he said."

Niall nods, thankfully understanding what Liam said because of his few examples on playing a joke.

Louis gets up from the couch as the two are still in their same position.

Liam chuckles before Niall scrambles off of him while blushing. He stands up while Louis starts leaving. "Oi, where are you going?"

Louis turns around after jumping a bit from Liam's loud tone. He was totally zoning out already. "Sorry, sorry. I'll be back later to work. I've just gotta grab something for Zayn from the store. He is in our room, sleeping."

Liam nods gently before Louis leaves, leaving Niall and the older man alone on the couch now.

"Wh-Who is Zayn," Niall asks Liam while sitting criss crossed, ears perked up. Liam can't help but smile because of the beauty in front of him, but he did answer his question.

"He's Louis's husband. They've been together for over nine years, and they're really cute together."

Niall nods slowly and looks down at his slightly long nails, scraping them together quietly. "N-Niall wants someone to love and k-kiss. Niall is jealous of Louis and Z-Zayn." He pouts while looking down still, holding back his tears because he has never had someone to love or kiss.

Liam frowns. "Have you never kissed your parents or received love from them?"

Niall looks back up and shakes his head, heart shattering from thinking about them, missing them dearly. "N-Niall's parents d-died from mean p-people with guns. Niall s-saw everything. Niall ran and ran until someone rescued N-Niall." He sniffles loudly and lets a few tears fall from his eyes, not wanting to cry in front of his new caretaker.

Liam can't help but let a few tears fall either. Poor Niall. "I'm so sorry. I am sorry for bringing them up."

Niall shakes his head and scoots closer to him, placing a hand on Liam's left thigh.

"Liam don't n-need to apologize. He didn't h-hurt them. The b-bad people did." Liam pouts a bit before Niall engulfs him into a hug, still letting tears fall as he begins to sob. Liam's heart is breaking slowly and he is near to sobbing along with the gorgeous, poor hybrid.

"You're right, and I'll never hurt you. Never."

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