{07. "Nothing at all."}

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Hours have passed, meaning Liam and Niall have already done most of their fun for the kitten's birthday. They went shopping together, buying new clothes, toys, and all of the things that Niall had asked for. Liam bought all of it for him.

The hybrid couldn't be more happier because of Liam. He really only said yes to everything, and he couldn't be happier either because he is making his kitten happy. They're both truly blessed and content since they have each other to love and care for.

"LiLi!" Niall is currently in Liam's big closet, now theirs as they share it, and Liam is seated in his desk in his office. He quickly gets up and out of his spot, jogging towards the bedroom.

Once he enters, his eyes search for Niall before noticing the closet light is turned on. He walks over to the small room and his eyes grow wide at scenery before him. Niall is only wearing bright pink panties and he seems to be searching for something.

Liam is used to seeing Niall mostly naked, as he helps the kitten bathe since he is afraid of water, but seeing him like this, in just panties and all flustered?

This is a whole different level, but the older man doesn't mind it one bit. Niall's body is a perfectly pale and thin one, which is what Liam likes. He likes to be the more dominant one. Niall has the perfect body to be dominated.

Although, he shouldn't be thinking like this as they're not dating, and he isn't even sure about his own or Niall's feelings. He doesn't want to rush things, and he doesn't want to scare the hybrid. Liam wants him to feel happy and safe.

"LiLi, Niall can't find those purple laced panties that you bought for h-him." His bottom lip begins to quiver before Liam steps up next to him, running a hand up and down his back soothingly.

"Shh shh, it'll be okay. You start the movie as I find them, little one. I'm sure they're around here somewhere. I did just buy you them."

Niall nods before receiving a kiss to his head, making him smile, only a little though. The hybrid shifts his feet toward the bed to turn on the movie, via remote.

Liam looks around the closet before seeing a neatly placed set of laced panties on the top shelf. "He's so small that he couldn't see." He tried holding back an "aww," but that didn't work out very well.

Liam steps out to the bedroom and over to Niall who is frowning, his cat ears raised. "Why were you awing in there?"

Liam chuckles and sits next to the hybrid, handing him his purple laced panties. The frown on his face disappeared quickly.

"I was just admiring how adorably cute you were since that pair, and all of the others, were on the top shelf."

Niall's cheeks heat up before he hits Liam's arm playfully. Liam always teases him about his height.

"Niall knows that he's short, but he doesn't need to hear it from Liam everyday," Niall states, getting up from the bed to go into the bathroom. He's going to put on the laced panties since they're cuter to him.

Liam is taken aback by Niall's words though, feeling instant regret at what he says. He's sure Niall knows that he is teasing, but maybe there's something more to it?

When Niall comes back out, he lays back with Liam, playing with his kitten nails. Liam looks at him sadly, placing a hand to his thigh slowly. Niall's cheeks become a light red shade.

"I'm sorry for what I said about your height, and what I have been saying. I just thought that it was a thing that we had where I would tease you, and we would both laugh..."

Niall turns his head towards Liam who is now looking down. He cups Liam's cheeks in his smaller hands and raises his brow cutely, pursing his lips. "Niall never be mad at Liam, ever. Niall is just self conscious, and h-he doesn't like being mad fun of 's all."

Liam now pouts and places his larger hands over Niall's. "I understand, little one. I never mean to hurt you when I tease you. You're so beautiful in my eyes, so pure, and one of the best things to happen in my life."

Niall looks into Liam's eyes, tears slowly forming in his own. Does he really mean all of that? "N-Niall thanks Liam, really. No one has ever been s-so kind to Niall, and it just h-hurts, ya know?"

Liam's heart aches at how sad Niall has just become, on his own birthday of all days. "I understand, love. Why don't we watch this film and fall asleep during it, yeah? I'll hold you close and make sure that you feel loved tonight. You deserve it for being a wonderful hybrid."

The kitten giggles and nods, completely forgetting his sadness and focusing on how Liam will hold him. Liam has such strong arms, a perfectly warm body, plus Niall fits right in his arms. It's like he is meant to be in Liam's grasp.

Not a lot of people believe in miracles, but all that has happened since he had met his caretaker, Niall believes Liam is his miracle. His shining light that will always make him happy and will make him feel, and be, safe.

Liam holds Niall close as they watch a romantic comedy movie. They don't care what the title is, slowly feeling more and more tired. "Does Liam... have work to do t-tomorrow," Niall asks in between a yawn.

He looks up at Liam who smiles down at him gently. "Just a little, but I'll finish it fast so we can play, little one. I want you to have fun tomorrow, like always, knowing that cats get angered if they aren't occupied with something."

Niall grins a bit as he stares at Liam, mostly his lips. Oh those lips. "Liam knows a lot about cats, h-huh," Niall asks with a raised brow.

Liam continues to smile a bit while he moves a strand of the hybrid's hair away from his eyes. "I do my research when I have free time. I did more research on your species, and you are quite clingy and needy, which I don't mind, of course."

Niall blushes again as he looks down at his claws. He knows that about himself, he just didn't want Liam to find out, for certain reasons. "Why doesn't Liam mind," Niall questions, looking back into Liam's perfectly brown eyes.

Liam looks back into the beautifully blue, crystal-like eyes and shrugs gently. "'m not sure, little one," he states while sighing quietly, "we've just grown closer to each other, so I feel comfortable with you being you. Nothing will make me feel otherwise, that's for sure."

Niall raises his brow as he bites his lower lip. He has never thought of such intimate topics before with Liam: kissing, making out, touching. None of it. He just feels, different.

"Is L-Liam sure? Nothing at all won't make him feel weird?"

Liam shakes his head and smiles brightly, placing a warm hand on Niall's clothed, right thigh.

"Nothing at all, I promise. Why do you ask?"


A/N: I love cliffhangers way too much! Sorry! But I hope y'all enjoyed, and I love you all! Leave your thoughts, if you can x

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