{10. Halloween}

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The days pass and it is now Halloween. Liam's favorite holiday and Niall's least favorite. Liam has been waiting for this day while the blonde has not.

Liam wants to make sure that Niall likes this day because he wants him to like everything he does.

It may seem needy, but Liam will do whatever it takes to make his Niall enjoy this day. No matter what, Niall will finally enjoy Halloween. One way or another, he will.

Niall waits in the bedroom for Liam, wondering why he's waiting while getting anxious to find out. He has been waiting for at least ten minutes now, and he's beginning to get really impatient.

Liam does come in a minute later, wearing something different than he was before. He's wearing a costume.

Liam goes over to Niall with his costume on, it being a batman one, which makes Niall squeal.

"Niall loves batman," Niall speaks, giggling softly as Liam smiles.

Liam then brings his hybrid into a gentle hug, making Niall giggle even more with a huge grin across his face.

"I know he does, little one, and batman is going to make you have a wonderful Halloween. There'll be treats and such along the way, but you'll have to earn it. I want you to have fun today."

Niall continues to smile, nodding a bit as he runs his hands across the leather that Liam is wearing. "N-Niall will try and have a good time, b-batman."

Liam nods firmly and takes the hybrid's hands in his, getting him up and out of bed. "Good. We're going to start with some easy things that make Halloween fun,"

Niall nods.

"It is only eleven, so we still have plenty of time," Liam finishes, leading his hybrid toward the prepared kitchen, Halloween cookies ready to be made.

Once they make it down, Niall gasps then squeals. He steps over to the ingredients and giggles while watching Liam take off the mask. Niall couldn't be happier to have someone so perfect.

"So, we'll make these cookies, then we'll go and purchase some candy. You won't have a costume though because I want you to be confident and stand up for yourself if people mess with you. I taught you how to treat people nicely and tell them the truth, remember?"

Niall nods slowly and kisses Liam's nose, looking back at the ingredients with a gentle smile. "Niall understands, LiLi. He'll t-try his best."

Liam grins again, pecking his lips as Niall hums. "Great. Now, why don't we start making some cookies to start off a wonderful Halloween?"

Niall cheers with the hugest grin on his face. Liam couldn't be happier to see his hybrid so happy.

Throughout the process of making the cookies, some flour flew onto Liam, making his costume a bit dirty. He didn't mind it.

Niall got to learn how to make cookies, which made him happy. He started liking Halloween a bit more.

Laughs, smiles, and memories were shared. This will be shared forever. Niall will remember this if something bad ever happens. He hopes that nothing bad will happen. He's praying.

He takes a bite into the orange cookie while Liam takes a bite from the batman one.

They smile at each other once again, humming together as the taste is divine. The two did a wonderful job together and that makes Niall even more excited.

"This is so delicious, LiLi! N-Niall and LiLi did so good." The older man smiles big, embracing Niall into a loving hug because he's so proud of him. He's proud of him for learning something new.

"We sure did. After a few more cookies, why don't we go and get those candies from the store," Liam suggests, raising his brow before Niall nods fast.

He has been craving candy for so long. Although it makes him more hyper, he loves it.

Liam doesn't mind that he gets hyper. He always got hyper with candy as a kid, so he doesn't mind that Niall does.

After they each finish a few more cookies, quite a few being left over, they head toward the car.

Thankfully, it isn't too cold today, so they don't need jackets. Liam is walking out with his batman costume while Niall is just being himself, what Liam wanted for today, so he'll prove a point.

When they make it to the store, Niall singing along to the popular songs on the way there (he's a wonderful singer, he just doesn't know it), they get out and head into the store.

They instantly head over to the candy isle, watching some groups of families smile at them. They appreciate hybrids and the caretakers they have. One family does step up to them, sporting big smiles.

It's a family with parents, two teenagers, and a baby. The perfect family.

"I've always wanted a hybrid," the woman speaks as Liam gathers some candy. Niall's blushing hard. Somebody else would actually want someone like him?

"They seem so cute and unique, plus they can talk back," the whole family chuckles softly and Niall smiles big. He's getting really happy.

"N-Niall tries his best to talk with his L-Liam, but it can be hard. Niall tries though," Niall states with a sly smile.

The family coos at the blonde, gentle smiles across their faces as the baby giggles.

"Well, you're so cute, little one. Hopefully, we'll get someone as perfect as you," the woman speaks before Niall gets hugs from the others, Liam and Niall giving the permission after she spoke.

The family then left and Niall's heart is pounding with love and happiness. "L-LiLi, those people were so nice to N-Niall, wh-why?"

Liam smiles gently, running his fingers through Niall's hair. "Because they are an example of nice people. They care about anyone, no matter what. I actually know that family, and they are the sweetest."

Niall is close to tears, close enough that he does break down, but he falls into Liam's arms. The caretaker holds him close and rubs his back, kissing his head multiple times as he smiles. Niall now knows, for sure, that there's more people that want him in their lives. He's always dealt with the horrifc people in life, so seeing this makes him feel a lot better about living and being himself. Niall is comfortable with himself now because of that family and Liam's encouraging demeanor.

"Why don't we buy these candies then head home, my love," Liam suggests, caressing Niall's back soothingly as the hybrid chokes out quiet sobs.

He nods though, not saying a word as he holds onto Liam tightly, not wanting to let go now.

When the two get home, Liam lays Niall down in his bed and kisses his head softly. He hands him the candy with a gentle smile, soothingly caressing his right cheek as he stands over him.

"Eat some of the candy, love. I'll be right back, and when I do, we can cuddle and watch whatever you want as we sugar up."

Niall's eyes light up, his smile growing big while he squeezes Liam's hand. "O-Okay, LiLi, Niall thanks you so much... f-for everything."

Liam smiles big and he nods, kissing his hand softly.

"It's no problem at all, love. No problem at all."


A/N: So this'll be another one of my stories with only 15 chapters. I hope that's okay with y'all and I love you all. Hope you understand x (P.S. Liam is the best caretaker tbh)

Feline Caretaker || Niamजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें