{13. Reunion}

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Liam and Niall step up to the Horan house, smiling together as the brunette then knocks on the door.

The young hybrid rests his head on his caretaker's shoulder and sighs softly, his smile evident still.

The man wraps his arm around the blonde's waist and kisses his head, muttering an I love you in his before, which makes Niall giggle.

They quickly kiss just as the door opens, making Greg chuckle as he sees the two lovebirds.

"You guys are adorable. Come on in and please make yourself at home." The two blush, but still enter with genuine smiles. Greg pats his brother's back as he walks past, closing the door as Niall blushes even harder.

Once the two enter the living room, they notice Denise and Theo playing with toys on the large couch.

The little boy looks up to meet Niall's gaze and that's when he starts squealing. Liam steps away just in time, because Theo runs up to Niall and wraps his little arms around his legs.

The blonde blushes and rubs the little boy's back as Denise and Greg watch the two smiling.

He picks their little boy up, his nephew, and smiles from ear to ear. Theo kisses his uncle's cheek, which makes Niall giggle.

"Theo loves you tons, I forgot to tell you that yesterday. He gets quite clingy and lovey dovey towards the people he loves."

Niall glances over at Greg then looks back into Theo's eyes.

He then smiles gently as tears form in his eyes, Theo placing his hands on Niall's cheeks. He kisses his uncle's nose and giggles cutely.

"Theo l-loves Ni," the little boy admits, smiling big as Niall lets a tear fall down his right cheek. He wants a boy just like Theo, but he's scared, scared to tell Liam that he wants a baby already.

Theo kisses the tears away and Niall's heart couldn't hurt more than it does right now. His nephew is the sweetest boy in the world and Greg taught him to be so poilte and kind.

"And Niall loves you Theo, already, s-so much," Niall states to the little boy, letting more tears escape his eyes as Denise steps up to the both of them while Liam and Greg talk to each other.

Denise rubs Niall's back and gives him a gentle smile while kissing Theo's cheek. The blonde smiles at the both of them, blushing faintly.

"D-Denise uhm... Can I ask you something?" Denise nods, her smile still shown as Niall sets Theo down. As the two go into the kitchen, Theo goes over to Liam and Greg to play with his toys.

Niall sits down on one of the bar chairs as Denise makes them drinks, sitting down with him afterward.

The blonde rubs the back of his neck as his thoughts are everywhere at this point. He's scared to admit anything to anyone, but he feels like he can trust Denise with his whole heart.

"Denise I... I want to have a b-baby with Liam, but I'm scared on how he'll react if I ask him about it," Niall stated the truth, looking into Denise's eyes.

Her smile comes back and she sighs, placing a hand over the male hybrid's. Time for some sister in-law advice; it'll help Niall immensely, though.

"If you love Liam and if he loves you back, then everything should be fine." Niall nods, his hands starting to shake a bit.

"You two seem to have a close bond as well, from what I can tell. Like, you can trust each other with anything and there's no judgment between you too. It's the perfect relationship status, to be quite honest with you."

Niall giggles lightly and looks down at his hands, the shaking simmering down.

They have been bonding quite a bit for the last few months. Last night really sealed the deal, though.

They made love and it was passionate, slow and perfect. Niall couldn't have had a more wonderful time with the love of his life, his caretaker that's more than perfect to him, more than anyone.

"Liam and I, we uhm, made l-love last night, and it was amazing. We used protection of course, so I'm sure that we won't have a hybird kitten in the next nine months. But I'm worried because, what if we do? Will Liam really accept that?"

Denise sighs and places both of her hands over Niall's, smiling gently as she looks into the blonde's eyes.

"I have been through this before, Ni, with your brother. I was frightened that he wouldn't accept our baby Theo, but when I brought it up that I was actually pregnant, he was ecstatic. He loved the fact that we were gonna have a child.

Since then, Greg has become more close to me and to our child. I'm sure Liam will feel the same with how much he loves you and cares about you." The young hybrid nods and moves his hands away from Denise's with a smile.

He's so thankful for her words and now he feels more confident with his thoughts. He's confident enough with talking to Liam about anything. The blonde wasn't so sure, before, but he is sure now.

"I'm gonna talk to him, Denise. Hopefully, he'll be okay with the fact of having kids. Thank you, by the way," she nods whilst smiling, walking out of the kitchen with Niall, going back to the living room.

Denise sits down with Greg as Liam stands up to go to Niall. The brunette wraps his arms around the young hybrid's waist and kisses his head. He looks into the blonde's eyes and he notices that his eyes are glossy.

"What's wrong, love," Liam questions, cupping his lover's cheeks slowly. Niall sniffles softly, but he nods to himself; he needs to tell Liam everything.

"Greggy, I need to talk with Liam. Can you start making the dinner?" His older brother nods before Niall takes Liam to another room down the hall. He takes him into a bathroom and sighs shakily. There's no backing down now.

"Promise me that you won't yell at me or be angry, okay?" Liam nods, beginning to worry that Niall is giving him bad news that could hurt. But he nods, taking the blonde's hands in his gently.

"Of course I won't be mad or yell at you, my love. Nothing will ever make me hate you in any way possible, alright?" Niall nods, taking another shaky breath. No backing down.

"Okay, uhm... There's actually more than one thing I want to tell you and I know I should've told you these things beforehand, b-but I was too nervous..."

Niall bites his lower lip and nods, looking back up into Liam's eyes as he holds him close.

"LiLi... What would you say if I wanted children?"

A/N: Cliffhangers are my favorite thing to do! Two more chapters left, by the way, and they'll be great. I hope y'all enjoyed and I love you all x

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