School Again Chapter 7

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A/N- Hey!!! Wow!!! 241 reads. I hope you like my story! Please comment vote or DM me if you like it! Bye!!-

Sienna's POV

Today's another school day and this is the day Sierra totally tells Fallon off! Yay!!!! This is going to be awesome. I want to be close when she does it. I want to see Fallon's face. >:)

I'm at my locker getting ready for first period. History. Urgh I don't want History, but I mean. I don't want Athletics. Gross. Nasty sweaty outfits. Eww!

I get to see Kaleb this period, too. So, it kind of works out for me. I finally make it to the classroom and take my seat.

"Hey babe." he greets me as I sit next to him. He pecks my lips before the teacher gets into the room.

"Hey baby." I tell him under my breath only to where he could hear.

"How has my baby girl been?" he asks.

"Well.. Not so good. Sierra heard something. It's really disturbing." I tell him.

"Is it so disturbing, that you would like to share it with the whole class?" Mr.Jenkora, our history teacher, asked.

"No." Kaleb answered for me. And he just went on teaching. "Ok, what did she hear?" he asked. His thick Irish accent flowing through his pearly white teeth.

"That you were a bad guy." I told him, trying to hide my blush.

"Who told her that?" he asked his smile fading.

"Fallon." I say to him.

"Fallon James?" he asks.

"Yea..." I tell him, very confused. I look up and everybody was staring at us. Oh my gosh! "Kaleb.. Umm... Look..." I whisper through gritted teeth.

"Thanks for the pencil, Sienna." he said as casual as he could.

"Oh no prob. It's fine, I have another." I said equally as casually. Everybody then turned back around to work on their papers. "Thank God!" I told him as he looked back at me from working diligently.

"I know right?" he said in a hushed voice. I handed him a piece of paper that read:

(Sienna-$... And Kaleb-;).....)
$-Anyways. How do you know her?

;)- Well, we went out for a few weeks. Then I broke up with her after we went to watch a scary movie at the theatre.

$- What happened?

;)- Well, she screamed the whole time. Even afterwards.

$- Ouch. Well at least I don't scream a lot watching a scary movie! haha! What movie was it?

;)- The Conjuring.

$- That movie wasn't THAT scary. She's a pussy.

;)- Hey the pop-ups were scary.

$- Whatever.

And with that, the bell rang signaling next class.

Sierra's POV

I can't tell Fallon that! She's like my only friend! It angers me that Sienna Anne Horan, my own flesh and blood. Sometimes I worry about her.

I see Fallon at her locker. "Hey girl!" she shouts.

"Hey. Umm I have to talk to you later." I said frowning.

"What about?" her face falling into concern.

"I can't tell you, yet." I tell her, running the other direction towards my art class. Sienna and I have the same art class. The only class we have together. Other than our band class.

I walk into the door and find a seat closest to Sienna. "Have you told her yet?" she asks me. I bet she's really excited to watch my first friendship at this school fail.

"Not yet. I'm telling her after school." I tell her, while starting on today's assignment.

~~~Skipping to After School!~~~
Sierra's POV (still)

Sienna and I were walking out of the front doors of the school. Then I see Fallon, she tries to wave me over, but I ignore it. She then jogs over to us. "Hey. What did you want to tell me earlier?" she asks. Her eyes were almost pleading. Sienna nudges me in the arm.

"Fallon,you're wrong. And you're a bitch and you don't know what you're talking about when it comes to Kaleb." I yell at her, tears threatening to fall from my eyes.

"What? I don't understand." she says looking down at the ground.

"She called you a bitch. Come on Sierra. We have to go." Sienna says pulling at my sleeve.

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