Hey guys no chappie

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Ok sorry for the false alarm. Anyways I just want to say thank you for sticking with me and my story with all of the grammar and spelling mistakes and the shortest chapters ever.

I am literally crying right now. This story has 707 reads and 30 votes. I actually am crying. If you want a pic I'll send it. (Tears of Joy).

I feel so amazing having so many beautiful rainbow fireflies out there that at least read the first chappie.

I just love all of you for sticking with me this whole time and keeping your patients with updates. (Which I may do on Sunday.)

Again, I love you guys and I may update on Sunday cuz I'm busy Tomorrow Friday and Saturday. For the 3rd time... I LOVE YOU GUYS!!! I cannot stress that enough.

I just wish y'all would comment more. <3 you! BYEEE!!!!!!!!


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