Chapter Twelve: Draco

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Chapter Twelve: Draco

December 1996

Draco had been dragged out of Slughorn's party by Snape. He was then led down the narrow corridor down to the last classroom at the very end. Tonight had been one of those nights where he decided to put a bit more effort into fixing the Vanishing Cabinet, just right before the holidays. While he had given much thought about staying at Hogwarts for Christmas to maintain his focus on fixing the cabinet, he didn't exactly have the heart to leave his mother at the manor all alone for the holidays. It just seemed too cruel despite himself.

Right down to when he decided he was far too tired to get anything remotely done out of the broken cabinet, he sneaked out of the Room of Requirement wearily. He knew he shouldn't have gone off into it alone at this time, especially before everyone went off for the holidays. Usually he had Blaise around now that he's decided to leave Crabbe and Goyle out of it momentarily, but he had to attend the Slughorn's Christmas party and with Astoria, no less. But he felt restless, as he's quite often been since the start of the year. And much to his dismay, his restlessness coupled with his arrogance caught him on a tight rope with Filch.

An argument broke off between him and Snape. His head of house reprimanded him of his recklessness with the incident of Katie Bell being cursed. While he was clearly suspected of it and he knew deep down he had done it, he denied it aimlessly despite the guilt that ate him. The man even tried to attempt to penetrate his mind, but he smirked valiantly at this. He had mastered that now that he had gotten Astoria out of the way – and for once he was thankful for his strength on the matter.

Snape hissed at him lowly, "I am trying to help you. I swore to your mother that I would protect you. I made the Unbreakable Vow, Draco—"

"Looks like you'll have to break it, then, because I don't need your protection!" Draco sneered at him. "It's my job. He gave it to me, and I'm doing it. I've got a plan and it's going to work, it's just taking a bit longer than I thought it would!"

"What is your plan?"

"It's none of your business!"

His professor raised a brow. "If you tell me what you are trying to do, I can assist you—"

Draco shoved him off infuriatingly. "I've got all the assistance I need, thanks. I'm not alone!"

They went on this banter for a few minutes, Draco's irritation increasing ten-fold. It was like being reprimanded by his governess for when he was home-schooled as a child. A repetition of things he already knows, and he rolled his eyes every once in a while at the psychological method that Snape was trying to pull.

But when Snape tried to make mention of his father's imprisonment, he resisted the urge not to cast the Cruciatus curse on him. With a troubled frown, he strode off towards the door of the classroom and swung it open harshly – his hard footsteps striding their way down back the corridor towards Slughorn's office. There was a loud cheer from when he passed and ignoring this, walked off into a new corridor – away from Snape and away from everything else.

As if he needed constant reminding of his father being in Azkaban. As if he needed being told that his recklessness would not merit anything well off due to his emotions. As if he needed any of that bloody talk at all. He was sixteen, by Salazar. He much preferred it if anyone older than him didn't always have to tell him what to bloody do.

His angry thoughts were then interrupted by a small figure bumping right into him.

Oh, for Merlin's sake. Draco thought to himself as he tried his best not to be too harsh on whoever just bloody barraged right at him. He blinked twice and was surprised to find that it was Astoria. She was beautifully clad in a simple, yet elegant emerald dress. Her heels made her just a foot or two taller than she normally was which made it far easier – much to his dismay – for him to look into her green eyes.

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