Dream Girl is New Girl?!

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   I stayed up all night just to research Scott's imaginary "wolves" and the golden necklace. I search the name carved on the jewelry and the next thing I knew I was on a mythiology site. I scrolled down seeing a picture of a girl in a rosey red gown. Looks like a portrait or something. She has black hair, red lips, pale skin and green eyes. She looks beautiful. 

Kinda like dream girl. 

I read the bio interested at the picture. 

Diannalysa Roselyn Watson, thedaughter of the king of all mythical creatures. Diannalysa was said to be known as the next in line for the throne. It is also said that she was curse my her own mother for rumorly killing his own brother, Demetrie Robert Watson. She was curse that she will never find her mate until she was dead and brought back to life. She died virgin instantly becoming a Succubus, a female killer vampire who sucks the blood of male only giving her long life powers and for female blood giving her life force. Expertists have learn that her mate  was known as "Ashton Irwin" until he died in the hands of his own mate. People at this generation had said that Diannalysa was still alive roaming in the middle of the woods in a small town in California formed as a bat searching for her mate.

 Wow.. that was interesting. In a small town in California wonder where that is? Next in throne, that means she's like the most powerful creature of them all. Formed as a bat? Was the creepy bat Diannalysa? Nahh probably not. That's just crazy. I also search up some facts about her.

Name: Diannalysa Roselyn Watson
D.O.B: May 7th 294
P.O.B: South Shields, England
Parents & Siblings: King Jun Arthur, Queen Rosetta Anne and Prince Demetrie Robert.
Nationality: British, Spanish, French
      Diannalysa known as the princess of all mythical creature was said to be a hybrid a very powerful one. She's half vampire, werewolf, human, siren, demon and shadowcrawler.

 I gotta tell Scott about this. Right almost forgot. Wolf bites, I typed it in the search box and scrolled down the second it loaded. I clicked on a site and began reading some facts.

  Wolf bites are said to be dangerous and poisonous but experts said that the fact was false. Shallow bites or scratch of wolves are said to be safe but deep bites and scratches can be dangerous and turn you into one of them. Half human and half werewolf also known as Werewolf. Becoming one of them can easily kill you specially when you don't know how to handle your inner wolf. Inner wolves are said to be strong and taunting at the first time you turn. They can convince you to kill people and can sometimes control your mind.

 Scott was probably a werewolf now after that bite. Damn, how is he gonna control his wolf? I'm freaking out. Next thing I know was that there was a knock on my door making me jump in my seat. I opened the door seeing dad standing infront of me now. 

"What are you doing? It's getting late. You should get some sleep you still have school tomorrow", Dad said arms crossed on his chest. 

"Just satisfying my nerdy brains needs", I answered feeling my eyelids get heavy.

 "Well it's not healthy. Get some sleep now and I mean it", Dad demanded exiting my room. I nodded and let out a yawn. I climbed into my bed and slept like a baby.


     I was rudely awaken by my damn alarm clock making me grunt in annoyance of the stupid sound ringing so loudly. That's the last thing I want today. I rubbed my eyes open and got ready for school. 

"Scott! Wait up man!", I shouted making Scott stopped at his tracks and turned to me.

 "Hey man. Wow...", Scott trailed off after seeing me.

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