How to Summon a Hot Demon Princess

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   "So you're saying that I could get turn into full wolf form tonight in a full moon?", Scott asked confused sitting on my bed staring at me. 

"Yes you could get turn or worst you could kill someone if you can't control it!", I exclaimed. 

"But what if I can control it? Means I can control my bloodlust or the urge to kill someone", Scott added. 

"That could worked but how? We don't even know someone who's a wolf!", I pointed out. Then suddenly Scott stood up and opened my drawer clutching the golden jewelry in his hands. I looked at him confused.

 "What you gonna do about that ?", I asked him raising an eyebrow. 

"You told me that Diannalysa the new girl was the "queen of all supernatural creatures", Scott made  air apostrophes with his hands throwing me the necklace. 

I caught it and stared at it for a sec. 

"Fine what do I do with this?", I asked him rubbing the glimmering ruby with my thumb. 

"Well how do you summon a hot demon princess?", He smirked. I gave him a death glare. 

No one calls my princess hot except me I thought.

 I went to laptop and did a quick research on how to Summon demons. 

"It says that you have to sliced your palm and put your palms together with your partner whispering the demon's name five times until he appears", I read out loud once a saw the site. 

"It also says that you must have candles surrounding you in order to trap the demon so it won't escape and a mirror just in case it decided to kill you or suck your souls out. Tip: it better be daylight so that the demon would be less powerful than it is", I said showing him a picture of a dark room with lighted candles formed in a circle and a mirror in the middle of it.

 "Well it's just 1:30 so let's do it", Scott clapped his hands going to my closet grabbing some candles and a lighter. I grabbed a mirror from my nightstand. Scott formed the candles in a big circle with me placing the mirror in the middle. 

"Wait!",Scott almost begged rushing out of the room to somewhere. Minutes later he entered the room with a knife in his hands.

"You've got to be kidding me", I whispered under my breath. 

"You wanna help me or not?", Scott must've heard me closing the windows and rolling down the curtains. 

I hesitately nodded and lit up the candles making the room lit up even though it's still daylight. Scott placed the knife to his left palm and winced when the knife dig into his skin slicing it making blood pool at the top. I shivered at lend him my left palm. 

He gave me an "are you ready " look making me nod my head knowing I don't have much of a choice. He dug the knife to the skin of my palm making me bite my lip at the slight pain. Once blood was pooled at the wound we both placed our palms together just like holding hands. I took a deep breath and whispered Diannalysa under my breath five times. I felt cold wind hitting my body and I'm pretty sure Scott can feel that too. I felt fingertips caressing my right cheek making me opened my eyes which I didn't knew was closed. 

Then I saw her right in front of my face. It was dream girl ,new girl it was Diannalysa. But I saw that her eyes weren't green instead they were red like blood red. She was smirking at me while I kept taking in her features. There were dark bags under her eyes and her  fangs were already past her lips. It was long sharp and pearly white. Then she suddenly placed a small kiss on my cheek pulling away instantly. She stood up noticing she was wearing a white shirt secured by a black leather jacket along with black skinny jeans and black heels.

 "Why did you summon me Stiles?", she asked turning her head to Scott then to me. 

"We need your help on how to control Scott's wolf", I answered nervously. She just smirked and turned her head to Scott staring at his brown eyes. I noticed her eyes turn purple studying Scott's features. Then minutes later her eyes turned back to green and turned to me. 

"Alpha", she muttered.

 "What?", I asked not quite hearing her. 

"He's an alpha a very powerful one. You could be used on defeating the Trickster", she said. Her features were hard you can't read her facial expression

. "What do you mean Trickster? Halloween is still few months away", Scott said confused. 

What the hell  is a Trickster?

  "Trickster are like demon doppelganger you know the one who can copy your appearance and suck your life out of you", Diannalysa answered as if she red my mind. 

I actually did her voice rang in my mind. 

I looked at her wide eyed and she just smirked at me. 

"So you can help us?", Scott asked hope lacing in his voice. She just shooked her head and turned to me. 

"He knows someone", she pointed at me making Scott turned to me and gave me a "What the shit dude you know it all the time" I looked at them confused. 

"I don't know anyone", I stuttered out standing up from my seat with Scott doing the same. 

"You know someone", Diannalysa convinced.

  Remember creepy model  dude her voice reminded me.

 "Derek Hale", I whispered. She nodded and clapped her hands.

 "Bingo!", she exclaimed.

 "Derek? Why him?", Scott asked rushing to my side. 

"He's an alpha like you", Diannalysa answered. 

"But why can't you help us? Why does it have to be Derek?", I asked her. 

"Well I didn't really embraced my wolf that much. But I still use it when I needed power", she said casually studying her black painted nails. 

"You embraced your demon?", I asked. 

"Not really. My demon embraced me. I have no control over it so I let it take over", she replied. I just nodded and opened my mouth for another question but she cut me off. 

"Let me guess you're gonna ask me why you see me in your nightmares?", she grinned. I nod and faced Scott. 

"That's another story for me to tell you another time", she answered.

 "Why not now?", I asked curiously. She just shooked her head and snapped her fingers. Next thing I know we were in the woods near a lake. 

"What the..?", Scott said shocked.

 "Teleportation", she bluntly answered walking towards the lake. She leaned down and touched the water closing her eyes for and moment. Then she opened her eyes quickly turning to us with  purple eyes like earlier when she was studying Scott's features. She looks scared and nervous. She was about to say something when I shadow suddenly appeared behind her making us all scream in fright.

  Cliffhanger!!! Sorry bout that. Remember ya'll I am making my own plot of the story. And I don't own Teen Wolf I wish I do though. Anyways how are ya'll liking the story so far. Hope ya'll are enjoying it. Pls vote and comment and also hit that follow button. Don't be a silent reader. Thanks and floove you guys ♡♡

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