Jealous: Peter Maximoff x Reader

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I wished you the best of all this world can give, and I told you when you left me theres nothing to forgive, but I always thought you would come back, tell me that all you found was heartbreak and misery. its hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way you're happy without me. I'm jealous of the nights that I don't spend with you, I'm wondering who you lay next to. I'm jealous of the love, love that once was here, gone for someone else to share. As I sink into the sand, watch you slip through the sand as I die another day here, 'cause all I do is cry behind this smile.

The day you broke up with Peter was the day his whole world came tumbling down.

It had been a couple months, but he still couldn't take it. He couldn't even look at you without breaking inside, he needed you back.

But you had moved on.

He had seen you go on dates, telling people how bad and how well they went.

Until one day, you went on a date with this one guy. You and him hit it off, going on more and more dates.

More and more.

Peter felt worse and worse the more he saw you two together, his heart ripping in half every time he would see you two walking on the Xavier's campus.

He still loved you, but you didn't seem to love him anymore. You were over him, and he couldn't believe it. He didn't want to believe it. He didn't want to realize it was true. He wanted to wake up one morning with you by his side, telling him it was all a dream.

But that couldn't happen, because it wasn't a dream.

God, he wished it was a dream.

He planned it all out. He was going to tell you how he wanted you back, and how he didn't care if you felt the same, he just needed you to know.

But when you and the guy you had been dating announced you were engaged, every plan Peter made, every monologue he had in his brain, he threw away.

He wished he could do the same with his feelings.

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