no angel [warren worthington iii x reader]

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a/n: since its ben hardy's birthday I wrote this bc my hUsBaNd

The sounds of water dripping on the ground was the only sound you could hear, besides the choked sobs coming from the boy before you.


You kneeled on the ground, taking his hands away from his eyes and resting them by his sides.

"Warren, please, listen to me." Your voice was soft, and to be honest, it made Warren's heart flutter.

He had no reply, but you watched as a single tear fled down his cheek, landing on his bottom lip.

"I'm a terrible person." Warren spoke, his breathing shaky and heavy.

"No, no you're not." You replied, wiping his tears away. "You're really, really not." He wanted to believe you, he really did. But with everything he's done, he couldn't bring himself to.

"You're lying." His voice was harsh, jerking his body up to stand. "You're lying." He repeated himself, his voice lower. You stood up from your knees, holding his arm.

"Warren, I-"


You gulped as he pulled his arm out of your grip in a quick movement, fixing the leather jacket he was wearing, his wings fluttering behind him.

"You don't love me, how could you? I'm a monster, y/n." His gaze was not on you, but on the floor.

"I do, Warren." You walked towards him, wrapping your arms around his torso, resting your head in the crook of his neck. "I really do."

You heard him let out a choked sob, walking in front of him and cupping his cheeks, wiping his tears away with your thumbs.

He closed his eyes tightly, with no reply. "Warren, listen to me." Your voice was sharp, wanting him to at least say something.

"I'm sorry, y/n, I love you so much. So fucking much."

You hugged him tightly, this time tears streaming down your face.

"I love you too, 'Ren."

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