Chapter 1

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"Wake up Dara! You know you cant be late for the interview. God only knows why you stayed up so late last night"

"Ugh! Is it so hard to sleep till 10'o'clock? Sundara muttered to herself.

With considerable effort she lifted herself off the bed just in time to see her mother barging into the room with a jug of water in each hand.

"And what did you plan to do with those?" Dara asked. Her lips forming her trademark smirk as she looked pointedly at her mother's hands. With an exaggerated attempt at feigning innocence and ignorance, her mother proclaimed, " oh these. I was on my way to water the flowers and I came here first since I was already on the way."

Chuckling, Dara replied in what could have almost been a stern voice, "You know Miss Scarlet, if one were not watching your face, you could almost be believed". Looking down her nose she added " I however do not condone lies in this house" . Her efforts could have been believable if not for the laughter in her eyes or the slight lifting of the side of her lips, showing her restrained laughter.

"Funny. Now get dressed. Your interview is at 10:30."

With that final command, her mother turned towards the door only to stop again and say "You better wear something nice Dara" then she was gone.

Freshly showered and cad only in black lace underwear, Dara made her way to the closet. She didn't make it however as a sleek black sports car caught her eye. Padding over to the window, she noticed that the car was parked in front of her friend Jen's house. While admiring the black Audi a rather disturbing thought came to her. Something about that car looked so much like Alex's car.

"That's crazy" she says to herself as she walks away. "Alex is at his grandparents for their anniversary dinner"

Taking care not to rip her stockings, she gingerly pulls them up her legs to rest at the top of her thighs. Next she took the black pencilled skirt and the dark blue silk top lined with gold thread from the closet. The sleeves were long- thank God for that- and the chest area was somewhat frilled to hide or enlarge the bosom- depending on what the person preferred. "Not bad", she observed while standing in front of her full length mirror. Satisfied with her look she went to apply eyeliner and mascara and just to impress her interviewer, she added some foundation.

"Mom I don't have any shoes!" she yelled while putting her necessities into her bag. She went over to her back window which overlooked the little garden. A cherry blossom tree could be seen at the left of the garden along with her mother's favourite, white roses.

"I put it beside the bed Dara", she said without looking up. Hurrying back to her bed, she saw the black suede pumps. Grimacing , she put them on then shouted her departure.

This will be a great interview she thought.

Her Royal GuardOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora