Chapter 11

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Dara went from cloud 9 back down to reality in a second. They both pulled apart and looked at Sera who stood with both hands on her hips. That damn smirk, Dara thought, I'm gonna be in trouble later. It seemed neither of them noticed Rhiad's hand still laying against her nape, those small, enticing circles now lazy strokes.

Sera could hardly contain her squeals when she came out the building. It took so much out of her to not stop and dance like an idiot at the sight of her best friend full on making out with Rhiad. She knew he had planned to ask her out, so either he was very pleased with her answer or the puta was more inhibited than she thought. Either way, she thought, you go Dara! Get your man, chica.

"Some friend you are, Dara. Were you planning to just leave me here?"

"No ummm. You see, Rhiad said he wanted to talk-"

"Is that the new way of conversing now bruja?"

"No. He stopped and I fell and we just... just happened?"

The last part came out as a question and even Dara could tell she sounded lame. Dara heard a small chuckle from beside her and turned to see Rhiad trying hard to maintain a neutral expression. It was then that she realized that he still had his hand at her nape. Hoping Sera hadn't noticed it, she quickly shook his hand off her, earning her a confused look from him. She immediately missed the warmth of his fingers on her.

"Are you even listening to me you bruja? You aren't, are you?"

Sera gave a long frustrated sigh before continuing.

"I don't see why I'm gonna say this again seeing as you couldn't be bothered to listen to me the first time, but-"

Dara was about to deny that statement but at Sera's raised eyebrow she decided against it.

"Stefan called earlier. We're going to my aunts house for a few days to help with finalizing everything for Jay-Jay's wedding. Lord knows that poor Aura had no idea what she was getting herself into when she decided to marry him." Sera muttered that last part mostly to herself while pulling out her phone to take an incoming call.

Jazon or Jay-Jay as everyone called him was one of Sera's many cousins. Dara herself could hardly remember if he was from her mother's side or fathers. If he was a second cousin from the third marriage or not. Regardless, he was fun to be around if not a little unorganized. His wedding was this weekend and they had to do all the last minute preparations and fittings before the date.

"Alrightie then. Tell the gang hey for me, will yah."

Waving a goodbye and giving a thumbs up to Dara, Sera quickly walked off towards Stefan's  black Bentley which had pulled up not too long ago.

The long silence that followed Sera's  departure was excruciating. Neither her nor Rhiad seemed to know what to do next, the memory of their earlier kiss branded into their minds and bodies. Involuntarily, Dara found her fingers traveling to her lips. Her fingertips stroking where his lips had  just been, remembering how he had claimed them and her.

Dara was pulled back to the present when she heard a throat being cleared behind her. She turned just in time to see the excitement and fear that were in his eyes before being masked.

"I had actually asked you out here because I wanted to ask you something, Nuri."

At the tilt of her head and the cute confused look on her face, Rhiad decided to continue. Praying that he would not make a major fool of himself.

"I actually wanted to ask you to have lunch with me."

"Um sure."

"You do not sound like you really want to. It is okay if you are not in the mood to go-"

"I'd love to go have lunch with you Rhiad."

"It's okay... wait what? You will go with me?"

Dara gave an enthusiastic nod and placed her hand in his arm. The first thing that struck her was how powerful his arms felt.

Rhiad truly tried to hide the smile on his face, but no matter what he did he still had that stupid grin.


The man stood shrouded in darkness, his eyes staring blankly at the images his men had laid on his desk. She had grown quite beautifully, looking much like her mother but had still managed to steal some of his traits as well.

He knew he had stayed away from them for too long. He knew she thought he was dead. He longed to see her in person, longed to once again feel her, but he couldnt. He still had much more to do before he could relax and allow them in.

Soon he could have them. Soon he could be happy.

** I apologize for the long wait before I updated. I had many things dealing with which had distracted me a lot more than I thought they would.
Well I hope you enjoy!!


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2018 ⏰

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