Chapter 8

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Three pairs of shocked eyes turned to him at that. Riahd was the first to respond.
"Are you sure fa-"
"Yes I am sure Riahd." The sheikh quickly cut him off.
"I think we should take this somewhere else," Dara interrupted, finally noticing that they were still on the stage. Most if not all eyes werw on them, some with open curiosity and others appearing to be at a loss for words. The four of them adjourned to the backstage dressing rooms where they continue their conversation.
A few hours later Dara flopped down in Dara's bed after dropping their bags on the floor.
"I still can't believe today happened."
"Same here," Dara mumbled, still internally lost and confused as to what had really happened. Their conversation with the Sheik had ended with them agreeing to teach the females in the foundation for a period of three months.
Dara's head turned towards the door just as her mother pushed it open.
"So how'd ma girls do today? Haven't gotten to see the video from Stefan yet." Stull unsure everything Dora only mumbled a small "it was okay".
"Was it bad? You guys practiced so hard. And from what I saw those times I watched you, it looked really good." Try that she might Scarlett couldn't keep the sadness from her voice. She knew how hard the two had worked but it still seemed off to her. She had read comments about the performance and almost everyone had raved of their grace and beautiful dance techniques.
"Okay cut the crap girls. What happened tonight? Cause I know that your performance was lit from the comments I had read."
There was a tense couple of seconds. No one spoke. The silence much like the sad tense atmosphere disappeared with the barks of laughter that escaped Sera. Soon enough both girls were laughing so hard they struggled for breath.
" I'm sorry Miss Scarlett but did you say our performance was lit?"
"Mom please for the love of all that is good NEVER say that again." Dara managed to get out during fits of laughter.
"Excuse you both," she gave them her signature mom look. The one you got when you were about to get a verbal ass whopping. "I'm still pretty young. And the last time I checked there were no age limits on slangs. Well except for those from like 20 years ago. Now those slangs aren't supposed to be uttered by kids your age. It'd just be so dang uncool man..."
Knowing her rant would continue, Dara decided to stop her. Well now we know where my ranting comes from, she thought shaking her head.
"Yes mother, we know you're very young. But it seems you sometimes forget that, huh mom?"
Giving her mother her signature raised eyebrow daughter waited for her to respond.
"Well miss Sundara, I'm not the one who loves reading books from over 500 years ago am I?" Scarlett gave her a pleasant innocent smile.
" 500 years is nothing compared to your ancient gods. How many years is that again mother 5000?"
Giving her daughter and annoyed yet amused clear she turned on her heel and exited. Scarlet paused at the door. She seemed to be contemplating her next move before she turned to Sera who still sat on the bed mouth hung open.
"Sera, darling, I'm having hotteok downstairs. Do you want some? It's this tasty pancake with cinnamon peanut syrup."
"Sure that sound wonderful." With this Sera stood and followed Dara's mother who sent a smug smile to her all awestruck daughter. I won, she mouthed.

Her Royal GuardTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon