Chapter 2

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That was horrible, she thought.

The interview would have been fine if her heart had not been ripped out just 10 minutes before. Did it have to be her? She asked for the fiftieth time since she left the campus.

"Its not the end of the world", she repeated her mantra while stumbling through the busy streets. Twice she was almost hit by a car. Those misses followed by colourful outbursts about her appearance and even her occupation. Ignoring the voice in her head that agreed with them, she arrived at her favourite little café. Marconi's Bistro was just the type of place to visit when you feel down. Tables were set up outside for those who wanted to enjoyed being outdoors, while the inside had a more private feel to it. The little booths set up to the left and right corners afforded much privacy to the customers and the tables in the centre were strategically placed so that intimate conversations could be.. well.. private.

"Hello Michel", she greeted the waiter coming over to her regular booth.

"Hey Dara. The 'regular' I assume?" Michel asked, his dimples making their appearance while he spoke.

"You know what I want Michel so why ask?", she asked playfully. Giving her a knowing smile he walked off to go get her order.

From her position near the window, Dara saw a car drive up. No, that wasn't just a car, she thought. That was 'SEX ON WHEELS', she amended. So transfixed by the Audi-she'd know one anywhere- she didn't see the guy who came out of it, nor did she see the sexy smirk on his lips when he noticed the women on the street gawking at him.

"Back to Earth Dara", Michel said, waving her hot chocolate in front of her face to get her attention. Smiling guilty and murmuring a thanks, she turned and started her food.

Finishing her hot chocolate and donut, she paid and left. Halfway to her house, it started pouring so she stopped under a bus stop. Everywhere around her, umbrellas or handbags were being used to provide some form of shelter from the rain. "Better go now", she thought as the rain eased up.

Making a dash- yes in heels- she headed for her friend Sera's house as it was closer." Looks like you could use some help", said a very husky and thickly accented voice behind her. Startled, she lost her concentration and slipped in a particularly evil looking puddle. Bracing herself to land face first in dirty water, she was shocked to feel a pair of toned, muscular arms wrap around her waist and sent her crashing into a chest so solid it had no give in it.

Nice, she thought. Wishing that for once her life would be more interesting and this man with these arms would be a part of it. In her mind she saw these arms on either side of her head and that hard, perfect chest coming down on her as his powerful body drove into her over and ov- NO!! Cut that out! ,she sharply reprimanded herself.

Realizing belatedly that she was still in his arms and he was not planning to let her go soon, Dara moved first, pulling away.

" You know, I don't think it is a good idea to be running in high heeled shoes while it is raining-".

"I'm fine", she cut him off.

"Especially if your mind appears to be somewhere else", he finished as if he hadn't been interrupted.

Finally glancing up at him with the intent to rebuke his claim, Dara experienced her first moment of complete and utter speechlessness when confronted by a guy. To say he was breathtaking would have been the understatement of the decade. Hair the colour of midnight sky- no it was darker than that-a raven's wing would be better fell from a widows peak down to his shoulders. Eyes of a blue-violet color, so intense you felt like they saw into your very soul, were fringed by lashes so long and dark they should have been feminine but instead just emphasized the intensity of his eyes. His lips, raised as they were in a slight smirk, were the tantalizing, sensual things girls dreamed of.


WOW, Riahd thought as he took in the beauty in front of him. When he had held her in his arms, he had to force his hands to stay where they were around her waist and not drift up to cup those magnificent breasts that he had glimpsed. Her hair, a shade of black so dark it almost seemed blue, with ends appearing to have been dipped in liquid fire, had fallen  over his arms in a tantalizing caress he could hardly ignore. Now, as she stood straight, he noticed that her hair fell down to her waist. Hazel eyes, moist from unshed tears, looked up at him in blatant admiration.
Oh how I'd love to have those eyes look up at me, darkened by lust while I'm driving into her pus-....
"What's your name?", he asked as a way to divert from his earlier thoughts.
"Why would I tell you"
Before he could answer, she took another step back, turned, then called over her shoulder while walking away " thanks".
Hearing a horn from his left that sounded familiar, he looked over to see his driver Camion waiting for him. Shaking his head no to Damion, he turned and went after her.

Her Royal GuardDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora