Chapter 10

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"That was awesome guys. I'm really loving the energy you guys have", Dara exclaimed somewhat out of breath. The girls were all sweating and breathing heavily but they wore smiles on their faces. Some of them, Dara would hazard a guess, for the first in a long time. She could tell that those who had been closed off and apprehensive at the beginning were starting to loosen up around them. And damn if she wasn't happy about that.

"We're just gonna run through the sequence one more time then we'll end it for the day, kool?" Sera interjected, her voice just as breathy as Dara's.

Following excited nods from the girls, Dara and Sera took their positions at the front of the group, facing the large mirror. Seeing as they had the beat sequence on repeat,  Sera just had to count them in.

Both Sera and Dara stopped dancing after the first few steps, indicating to the girls to continue when uncertain expressions developed on their faces. Giving each other a quick nod, the two separated and started to inspect the ladies dancing. Although beginners, most of them had the smooth, connected movements that both girls were looking for. It seemed they had listened when Dara  recommended that they take whatever feelings they have and translate it into their movements. Their anger. Their pain. Their happiness. Their freedom.

As the last beat sounded and the girls executed the shimmy to hip drop combo, Dara and Sera applauded.

"That was so freaking awesome everyone!"

"Okay so we're gonna pick up with the transition from a shimmy to a body roll." Sera said while going for her towel towards the right of the room.

"We noticed that some of you were  having some trouble with that transition, so we're just gonna run through it for like ten minutes next week. Just remeber, as belly dancers we have to keep practicing. Some of the moves take a whole lot of continuous practice-"

"No need to bore the girls you bruja. Just practice what you learned and come back next week ready learn some new stuff. See yah."

With that Sera strode off pulling Dara with her. Their fist stop was the bathroom where they stopped to freshen up. Just as she had finished changing her clothes and was about to start drying her hair, she heard a text come in on her phone.

Meet me outside. I am waiting by the door- Rhiad.

Shouting her departure to Sera who was still in the shower she walked to the door, dropping the towel in the basket on her way.

What could he want, she asked herself as she grasped the knob. Her mind ran wild with possibilities, none of them even remotely close to him congratulating her on her first day teaching at the foundation.

As the door opened, her hand was grasped in a strong warm one and she was pulled further from the room. Too shocked by the sensation of his hand holding hers so tightly and knowing she had a small, silly smile on her face, Dara decided not to ask him anything  that would have him turn around and see her yet.

When she saw them at the exit of the building, she decided she had to speak.

"You know, this probably counts as kidnapping-" although I'd follow you any damn where, she added to herself, silently cringing at how cliche that sounded.

"Plus I can't just leave without telling Sera, that's not a very best-friendy thing to do."

Dara saw the corner of his mouth lift in a smile at the last part although he still said nothing. Was it her or was he thinking about something really hard and not really paying attention?

Her question was answered when he suddenly stopped, causing her to collide in him. It would have been a lot better if he hadn't decided to turn around as well. Or decided to slightly tilt his head down. Or if she hadn't just simply wanted his kiss and had held her head up.

Rhiad couldn't believe it. His lips were on hers. They were very soft, but he wasn't just satisfied with the feel of it. He wanted to get a taste as well. Slowly, he dragged his hand up to her nape, making sure to move extra slow so she could stop him whenever she wished. She made no such move. Finally, gathering the courage to do it, he slanted his lips over hers and took a taste of her lips.

Lust punched through him at the taste of her. He wasn't surprised that he was addicted after just the first taste. However, he wanted more. Craved more. He became lost in the way her lips felt, how they tasted. That is until he heard the most lust inspiring sound that had ever graced his ears. She moaned. Her little moan froze him for only a second, before his mind clouded over and she was all that he could sense. Rhiad was tempted to deepen the kiss further but he didnt, wanting to hold on to some amount of control. But he certainly didn't expect her to do it.

Dara was lost. The feel of his lips on hers, his hand at her nape slowly rubbing circles she knew he wasn't aware of. Those sexy low growls that escaped him. What would make this better except a better taste of him? So without even knowing what her body had planned, Dara ran her tounge along his lips, loving the way he opened for her with a slight gasp. She figured she wasn't the only one with the idea since by the time her tongue  retreated,  his was there. Not teasing like hers, but demanding entrance.  Which she happily granted.

She knew she was probably grinding on him but she just couldn't stop it. Her body had a mind of its own although she wasn't really complaining because she was loving every damn minute of this. A throat being cleared behind her is what finally brought her back to reality, sadly.

"I'm glad mi amiga be getting some, but could y'all please stop sucking  each others faces off in the parking lot? I'd be very grateful if you could."

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