Chapter 3

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"Dara what's wrong?"
Laughing, Dara walked to stand by the wall around Sera's house.
"Couldn't we share a regular greeting first?"
"Fine", Serafina replied while rolling her eyes. "Hola bruja, now tell me what's wrong"
"Its Alex", Dara replied meekly.
"What did that POS do now?"
Looking blankly across the road, she told Sera what happened. From seeing his car at Jenn's house to seeing them together at the diner.
"To top it off, when he saw me he said the three of us should get together for a little bit of fun".
The last word was put in quotations which didn't go unnoticed by Sera.
"And what does he consider fun?", she asked, the anger in her voice very clear.
"That's what I asked him. He said we should have a threesome and that that's what our relationship was missing. He said he even wanted to video us." The last part was uttered with so much disgust.
"That bruja! When I get my hands on him, he gonna wish he kept that di¢k of his to himself."
"No Sera, just leave it"
"Dara, chica, do you honestly think that a man is gonna come up in here and disrespect mi amiga like that?"
Rolling her eyes, Dara frantically thought of a way to distract her angry, ranting friend. At this rate she'd end up walking the city until she found Alex then she'd give him a piece of her fiery Latina temper. Inspiration struck when she looked at a passing car and saw a poster for their friend Javier's party.
"Sera are we still going to that beach part Javier is having?" Dara asked, silently praying that her distraction plan worked.
"Girl you know we are." Just as Dara was internally celebrating the success of her plan, Sera's next words brought her down from success to oh shit...
"Don't think I'm done with that bruja though. And Jen, that puta better watch her back mami. She don't know what an angry Latina can do."
"Calm down there tigress. Shealth those claws"
Flipping her hair, Sera walked into her house. Even while pissed, she still managed her trademark hip-sway that a lot of girls try to force.
Going straight to Sera's room she opened the door and......... Helllooooo abs.
"Sera hunny, you forgot to mention that Stefan was here"
The guy slept like the dead so it was a surprise that he jacked up off the bed and then did a no-fire version of the stop-drop-and-roll thing.
"What the hell are you do-" Sera froze at the scene before her.
Wondering why her friend stopped mid-sentence, Dara went closer to the side of the bed that Stefan fell from.
He was reaching for a sheet or something to cover with, but she caught a glimpse of his friend, who like him, was no longer asleep.
"Stefan get dressed before my eyes burn."
"Com'on sis, like you haven't seen this before."
Both Dara and Sera turned as he pulled on clothes. With her back still turned, Sera announced," Some of us are going to Inferno tonight, wanna come?"
"Sounds great"
"I can't"
"Why not Dara? Let's get you drunk then find you a hunk to get your mind off that soon to be castrated jerk"
At the mention of castration, Stefan grabbed his balls and winced.
"Anabeth is coming over tonight and mom is working the night shift"
"Stuck brat-sitting Dara?" Stefan joked.
A few houses down the road, Riahd allowed the smile on his face to broaden.
Just the thought of destroying Alex in more ways than one was enough to have him grinning.
"Spicy Latina chick" Damion muttered.
Murmuring something like an agreement, he turned around and started walking towards the car.
"Damion, I think I'm going to a beach party on Saturday. But first, please take me to Mr. Alex Hales father."
With that, he got in and Damion drove off.

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