Chapter 6

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The next few days were just wonderful. Well if you enjoy constantly being questioned by your best friend and your other friends about the 'Adonis that saved you' then yeah it was a good week.
"He looks familiar to me somehow," Sera mumbled as she paced her room. There were currently at Sera's house doing their weekly confessions where basically they spoke about everything that happened to them during the week.
"Can we not talk about him and just end the confessions here?" Dara asked hopefully.
"No way chica," the hopeful expression on Dara's face shattered." I wanna know more about your blue eyes."
"He's not my blue eyes Sera. He's just some guy that helped me out once or twice"
"Hmm. Yeah, okay," Sera mumbled absentmindedly as she surfed the Web looking for God knows what.
"Found him!" Sera yelled after a few minutes.
"Who?" Dara questioned as he shifted closer to Sera's laptop.
"He's head of of the security detail for the Sheikh of Oman." Sera read from the page she was on.
"Oh yeah. I totally forgot that he was gonna be here."
"Isn't he the one we're performing for?" Sera asked, her face panic-striken. Dara could only manage a small nod, fear and anxiety stealing her voice.
"Well I guess you girls need to get practicing then, huh?"
Both girls turned towards the door where the voice came from.
"Can't have my lil sis embarrassing our family up there on stage."
"Stefan, we're twins. I'm not your lil sis." Sera hissed the last part, her dislike of being labeled as that obvious.
"But I was born first"
"You came like 6 minutes before me brujo!"
"Still older." With that, Stefano stuck his tongue out at the girls and left.
"Real flippin' mature, Stefan!"
"Sera, hunny, back to our performance." Dara inserted, trying to keep her best friend from murdering her twin brother.
The girls were both belly dancers. Nowhere near professional but their skills work for them to be booked for such an important event. As it stood their performance for the Sheikh was one of the biggest performances they have ever had to do. Any form of errors could not be accepted.
"About the dance," Dara begun,"I think we should change the last piece from the Egyptian beats to Yearning. That way we have the tempo slowing down with each dance."
"Yeah we could do that. Then we'd go from the darbouka to Ana Bastanak then just slow it down completely with Yearning." Sera agreed.
"But then whose yearning choreography would we use. Mine or yours? Cuz remember that I can't get yours, too damn complicated." Sera added, her hands gesticulating wildly.
"I have the perfect solution, just don't hit me okay Dara. You do Yearning, ya know as a solo piece, and then I'll buy you dinner for the next week." Sera stated, slowly backing away. But Dara wasn't gonna hit her friend, not yet anyways
"So you want me to do a solo, huh? Well it's gonna cost ya more than a week of dinner." Dara stated, a wicked gleam in her eyes.
Now slightly scared, Sera managed to ask her friend what it would cost.
"You know that black top that I always wanted and they only had one left when we went to the store? Yeah that and your black infinity chain. I may or may not also ask you to do a Spanish paper for me in the future too." Dara listed, seemingly quite disinterested as she inspected her nails.
"Please tell me you're joking about the top. Please chica." Sera practically begged, this close to getting down on her knees.
"Nah. But I'm gonna want everything else. You know I hate solos."
Dara couldn't quite hide her delight at sseeing the worried expression drain from Sera's face so quickly.
"I'll get you back for that, ya know. But I have my priorities straight, so first up food, then movies then we practice."
"Ya sure you said those in the right order, Sera?"
"Um alright then. But do remember, the performance is in 5 days."
"Ok. Time to devour some delicious pasta!"
"Okay chica, we gotta finalize our outfits." Sera started, still slightly out of breath. It was the final day before the performance of their lives. They were currently sitting in front of the large mirror, drinking water after 4 hours of practice.
"Sera I'm freakin' out. I've never been this nervous to perform before."
"Dara, chica, we both know it's because your blue- eyed Adonis is gonna be there." Sera noted, gazing at Dara through the mirror.
At the mention of blue eyes, Dara blushed slightly before covering her expression with her hair.
"Back to business. I think we should do red and gold for this one." Dara gave a nod of agreement before Sera continued." Now the hair."
"I'm not touching my hair color Sera." Dara quickly interjected.
"Jeez calm down chica. I know you wanna keep it cuz blue eyes says he loves it."
"No. It's because my hair will be damaged if I even rinse it another color."
"Uh huh. Yeah, sure."
"You know that's why I don't want to change it, Sera."
"Sure. I know it's because blue eyes loves it too." Dara remained silent and turned away from her friend.
"Are you gonna blush like a child every time I mention him?"
"Okay. We've rested enough. Back to practicing." Dara announced while heading over to the speakers to practice her solo song. Raising her hands in defeat Sera walked over to the side so she would not be in her friends way while she practice. Once the song started she could tell that Dara was lost in her own world while she moved. She just hoped it was the same for the performance.

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