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"Monica wydd today man?" Maliky asks me as I walk towards my house it's a windy Saturday and he wanna ask me all these dam questions. Fa the past month me and him have gotten really close he like a brother to me. "Ky I plan on being in my bed today cuz I'm tired." I say to him standing by my door. "Ima chill wit u till it's time fa practice ight." He told me. "Okay cool u wanna watch a movie or something??" I ask him as we walk into my house. My mama should be on her way here since my lil sister is wit her daddy. "Yea but this time I'm picking the movie," he said giving me a look I 🖕🏾him off and went into my closet to change clothes. I put on a t shirt and some yoga pants and got in my bed. Maliky was sitting at the edge of my bed wit the remote searching thru movies while I was texting my bf Devin. "We watching brothers ight." He said lookin at me. The way he looked at me made me feel a certain way but I wasn't bothered by it. "Thts cool u hungry?" I ask him while getting up to go in the kitchen. "Yeaa whip me up something to eat sis." He said tryin not to look at me. I nodded my head and made him something to eat. I fixed him fried chicken mashed potatoes and green peas wit a large cup of koolaid jus how he likes it. I walk in my room wit his food and he otp so I jus sit it next to him then go bacc in the kitchen to get my food. "Dam thx Monica." He said wit a mouth full of chicken and peas. I jus smiled and nodded my head I sit next to him and ate my food as we watch the movie a sex scene came on and as I usually do I get up and walk away cuz ion think it's a appropriate to sit and watch a sex scene wit somebody u see as yo brother. As I'm fixing my cup of koolaid he comes behind me and presses himself on to me. "Umm ky wat do u think u doin??" I ask him as if he has lost his mind. "I was tryna get past u but yo ass was in the way I'm sorry." He said wit a slight smirk on his face. I shake my head and walk off Ian foolin up wit dat boii today. I go bacc in my room to hear the front door open I see my mama and hug her. "Heyy mama!" I say to her wit a smile. "Heyy baby ooo hey Maliky how u doin??" She says to us as she sits dwn her car keys. While ky and mama have small talk I go bacc in my room to finish this movie. While I'm layin in my twin size bed dnt judge me I'm 5'3 ion need no big super size bed. Ky jumps his big almost 6'0ft ass in my bed wit me. "Cmon ky scoot yo big ass ova I'm tryna finish this movie." I say to him wit a attitude he kno I hate wen he jumps in my bed like dat. "Aww shut up Monica quit cryin." He says laughin at me. "No u shut up keep it up and u gone be on the floor." I say sternly wit didn't do nothin but make him laugh more. "U act like sleepin on the floor is a punishment to me." He says as he gets comfortable. "Omg ight Ky shut up fr." I say annoyed at him. He so dam sickening cnt stand his stupid ass sometimes. "And wat u gone do if I dnt u ain but so big and u cnt fight so I advise u to shut up." He said being an asshole again. "Okayy and my lil strong ass gone push u out this bed keep playin wit me Ky." I say sitting up looking at him. He didn't say nothing he jus hit me so I hit him bacc so we was play fighting and of course he ended up on top of me like always but this time it was different. He looked in my eyes and I looked into his then all of a sudden he kisses me not jus a peck but a sexy genuine kiss. He stopped himself from going any further befo u knew it the alarm went off it was time fa him to go to practice. He got up from off me then helped me up. It was an awkward silence between us. Once he got towards the door I told him good bye and wen I was about to close the door he blocked it and kissed me again. I kissed him bacc we made out fa like 10minutes at least until he finally left. I stood there in shock I cnt believe I jus did tht his lips...omg his lips r everything, his eyes he has such dreamy eyes. Omg Monica snap out of it think of Devin.....DEVIN! Oh shit I forgot to call him dam. Wait no no noooo I cheated on Devin fucc! How could I let this happen me and Ky r jus friends but friends dnt make out wit each other. Wtf was I thinking lawd help me plzz. I cnt believe I jus did tht I mean it's not like I didn't like it I loved it I mean uhhh I'll jus have to face it I like Ky biting my feelings like I did before won't stop the way I feel towards him😔 shit I jus forgot he wit Jhene. I need a blunt this is too much
Ky pov.
"Ky u good man?? U been gettin smacked all practice man." Zhyon says to me. "Uhh yea man I'm good jus thinkin bout wat happen at Monica's house today." I answer him still kinda stuck on stupid bout today. "Shit wat happened big bruhh??" He said curiously. " I kissed her twice Ian talkin bout no peck dawg I mean kissed her kissed her like she was my girl or something." I tell him. He smirks and shakes his head. "I knew it u like her man Ian neva seen u act funny around no female except her but she yo *sister* fucc outta here man." He responded to me smirkin. I waved him off cuz he must be tripping me and Monica r cool she sis we jus be kickin it. "Nahh I was jus caught up in the moment dawg." I say to him packing my stuff in my bag. "Yea wateva u like her and u kno u do." He say nudging my shoulder. I cheese at him and flip him off . Afta practice I went bacc to Monica's house to talk about earlier. I knock on the door and Monica opens it wit nothing but a sports bra and yoga pants tht make her ass look juicy. She caught me staring at her but I didn't care. No lie Monica is bad but ion wanna fucc up our friendship. She a good girl she dnt need a nigga like me I'm a complete asshole of a football player I got hoes everywhere. Monica might be small but she fights like a man. "How was practice bros??" Monica asks me as she bends dwn lookin fa something. Dam her arch is deep and she got bacc dimples. Shit lemme chill this my sister I cnt look at her like dat. " hello earth to ky I asked bout practice fool." She said gettin up walkin towards me. Ian even kno lil mama was talkin my eyes was focus on her small perky titties. "Uhh yea it was umm it was straight." I said tryna concentrate. "Okayy well u must be hungry from practice so I'll make u something to eat okayy." She said to me closing the front door. I nodded my head and walked bacc into her room. I heard her phone ringing so I looked to see who was callin it was her gay ass bf Devin ionk why she still fw dis nigga he pussy if u ask me and ion like his ass one bit. "Ky could u answer tht fa me plzz!" She yelled from the kitchen. I did wat she asked and answered it.
Phone convo
Me: yello?
Him: ayee huh where is Monica??
Me: she in the kitchen cookin big bruhh
Him: who she coookin fa??
Me: I told ha I was hungry so she cookin fa me.
Him: I told her bout cookin fa other niggas.
He is such a pussy!
Me: well I'm not jus any nigga I'm ha brother dam call ha lata she busy right now.
Him: well idgaf I- hung up in his face.
Convo over
She should've picked somebody thts let's of a bitch. "Ky who was it?" She asked while making porkchops and gravy wit yellow rice. "It was yo bitch ass bf Devin u need to dump tht nigga he straight pussy bruhh." I told ha honestly. "Dnt start Ky u kno Devin is my first love he was my first time my first everything I'm not gonna dumb him cuz u say so." She said to me while fixing my plate. Ian even answer her I jus kept my eyes on her ass like dam Monica was beautiful I jus wish she knew it. "Here Ky u want some koolaid?" She asked while handing me my plate I nodded and dug in this food. I love Monica's cookin I come here jus to eat sometimes. She gave me my cup of koolaid and called her faggot ass bf bacc. My phone started ringing in my pocket I look at it to see Sal callin me Ian Finna answer it. Dnt have time fa her today. Sal is my on-off gf it's been like this since elementary school. I love her but she be playin games. Besides I'm talkin to Jhene right now nothing personal jus somebody I talk to.

Monica's pov

"Omfg Devin it's not tht serious u kno Ky is jus a friend of mine he is like a brother to me I cnt believe u would even accuse me of some bullshit like that u kno wat go fucc ur self!" I yell at him then hang up the phone. I'm so mad right now afta all me and him have been thru and he still accuses me of fuccin Ky and as always my answer is still no I mean we kissed but tht was nothing we both were jus caught up in a moment tht won't happen again. Ky walks in my room and looks at me in concern. " I'm fine ky I'm jus a lil upset thts all." I said while gettin up. I tried to walk past him but he stopped me wit his hand on my waste. "U sure u good Monica??" He asked me staring directly into my eyes. I nodded my head and looked dwn. " he dnt trust me nomo I've done all I could to prove to him tht he can trust me but he still thinks I'm cheating I'm tired of this I'm not finna kiss his ass dawg if he wanna be insole can be tht by himself." I said honestly cuz I'm all drained out. "Chill Monica if he dnt believe u let him assume and a bitch by himself dnt stress yo self out Denise." He said lookin at me. I chuckle a bit he always uses my middle name wen he serious. "Yes sir Lanard." I say using his middle name he smiled and gave me a bear hug.
Monday at school

"So Monica u kno my birthday is comin up on the 23rd and u kno Maliky plays the homecoming game on my birthday so do u think he will ask me out then cuz it will be so special fa the both of us." Jhene said cheesing at the thought of ky. She really likes him she been like this since the 6th grade she said. "Well maybe u should ask him unless u want me to ask him?" I say to her as we walk to class. "Yeaa talk to yo brother chile plzz." She said to me wit her hands in pray position. "Yeaa sure I'll talk to him fa u." I tell her as we enter the class room.  "Thx girl well lemme get to this class bfo the bell ring text me ight and tell me wat he says." She told me while leaving. I nodded my head and sat in the bacc corner of the class like usual. I did wat Jhene asked me I texted Ky and told him bout this morning yea me and Jhene r cool but my loyalty has always been to Ky so even if she didn't want me to tell him I was gonna tell him anyways. He told me straight up tht he dnt really like her like dat but if it makes her happy he would do it I didn't agree wit him on this but it's his choice. So I texted Jhene,
Txt convo
Me:ayee Jhene
Jhene: yo wassup
Jhene:tryn not to sleep in mrs. Botox class her class is so boring
Me:lol girl stay up
Jhene: so did u talk to him??
Me: yeaa I talked to him see him at lunch okayy
Jhene:😁😁omg thx Monica and okayy
Me:no problem
End of convo

Something told me not to set it up between them but of course me being a nice person I set it up anyway. Little did I kno it will all blow up in my face sooner or lata.

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