Madness part 2

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Later on after school...

Monica's pov.

After school I came home took a shower and got in my bed. I don't have practice today so I'm taking a nap. I don't kno if Ky is still coming over but honestly I don't wanna see him I'm not mad at him no more I jus need to get this stupid fantasy of me and Ky being together out my head. Ky is my brother not my boyfriend the sooner I realize that the better off I will be. I hear the front door open I guess thats Ky I jus pretend like I don't hear him and continue to lay in my bed. "Wassuh Monica." Ky said hoppin in my bed putting my feet in his lap. "Heyy Ky." I said not looking at him I don't wanna be rude or anything cuz even thoe I'm tryna get over the conversation we had earlier the sight of his dimples,perfect set of pink lips,& his teeth jus his face period is gone make me forget bout everything. I swear he too fine fa his own good wait chill Monica get yo self together girl. "U good??" He asked me tickling my feet. I laughed a lil before I could respond...Oo don't judge me I'm ticklish. "Umm yea I'm...I'm good." I answered him trying not to look at him at all. I need to keep myself under control  I keep telling myself not to look at him but I guess one look wouldn't hurt anyone right? "U sure?? cuz u look like u thinking bout something." He said to me wit his hands still on my feet. "Yea I'm cool how was practice?" I ask him trying to dismiss that conversation. "Good jus tired wat time is it Ian tryna get home too late." He said to me layin dwn on my bed. I look at my phone to see that it's 6:45. "It's 6:45 ." I answer him and lay bacc down still not looking at him. He nodded his head and layed down playing on his phone it was quiet for a good 45minutes until he started being an asshole. I'm laying down and I feel his big ass hands on my ass I knew it was a bad idea to wear my pajamas my ass moves too much wen I wear them. "My don't start this shit getcho hands off my ass yo." I tell him simply while trying to read my book. I don't wanna make it seem like I'm mad at him I jus cnt look at him right now. "Mikey is on his way over here okay." He said to me while looking at his phone. Omg Mikey is coming over I missed my baby so much. I hopped up so quick and did a lil happy dance. "Really Monica?" Ky ask me as I continued to dance. "Don't judge me I missed my son." I said to him while changing clothes I can't let Mikey see me in these tights and crop top it's not appropriate. So I put on blue fitted joggers, white half shirt, wit some blue & white slippers. My school colors are blue and white so they have become my favorite colors. "U gotta do all of that fa Mikey?" Ky asked me looking at what I had on. "Yes, becuz a two year old doesn't need to see my nipple print or my ass cheeks poke out." I said to him will putting my hair in a ponytail. I don't need Mikey to see me in clothes like that the only reason I don't change around Ky is becuz I'm comfortable around him plus he has seen what my body looks like so there is no point of acting shy around him. "So how come u dnt change when I get here??" He asked me sounding dumb as hell. "Why should I change around some one who has seen my body already in comfortable around u so I feel I dnt have to change around u." I answered him picking up my clothes and putting them into the dirty clothes ben. I hear another knock at the door and Ky goes to answer it while he goes to the door I change the channel on tv to Cartoon Network. "Say hey Mikey." Ky says to my baby on his shoulder. "Omg is that Mikey! Hi baby!" I say excitedly taking him from Ky. I give him a big hug I missed him so much. He laughs snd giggles at me wit his cute chubby cheeks. I put him down and let him run around the house while I go hide anything he could cut or color on the walls wit. For a two year old he is very smart and fast. Ky goes in the front room to watch him I look at the time on my phone it's 7:37 mama will be off in a minute lemme get this house clean. I go in the kitchen grab the broom and start sweeping. I bend over to get all the dirt from under the table I feel eyes on my ass I kno Ky watching me but I'm not gone pay him no mind. Mikey helps me wit the dust pan he holds it as I sweep the dirt in. "Yayyy high five lil man." I say to him wit my hand up he slaps my hand and laughs. He is so cute.

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