chapter 3

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      I count believe my eyes I saw Jaden asking Emma out in front of the class everyone started clapping and I got really mad that I banged my hand on the table after I fainted. In a few seconds, I woke up everyone was looking at me like I was dead.

     I got up and ran out the door got my bag and ran home I got in the house I went upstairs to my room and started crying my mom came she knocked on the door and said "aw honey are you okay" I said "I will be okay in a second mom can you please leave me alone" she said "okay honey call me when you need something" I said "okay mom" she left and I got up looked at the mirror and i said " now on i am wearing makeup" the school was over I went downstairs to eat dinner my mom said " are you okay honey" I said "I am much much better mom" she told me to give my plate to her and I gave my plate to my mom and she putted pasta and sauce on top. I ate my dinner and went upstairs after I fell asleep.

     I woke up with those beautiful birds sounds I got up and wore my clothes after I went downstairs and said "good morning mom and dad" they are like "good morning honey" I sat down at the table eating my breakfast. Then I got up got my bag and lunch gave my mom and dad a kiss and started walking to school, while I was walking I saw Emma and Jaden walking hand to hand Emma said "Hi Lola I didn't say anything and walked faster I got in the school went to the washroom after got my makeup out and putted my red lipstick on. Then a girl came in her name was Daniel she said "it's nothing" she said "are you sure because some girls put makeup on make boys fall in love with or to be pretty" I said " Yeah" and she "wearing makeup is not the key the key is your own natural look the key is your heart you have to be nice in any way "I said " okay thank you" she left and I thought about what she said for a while. I took out my makeup and got to the class before the bell rang.

     My first class was science Mrs. Smith said "good morning everyone today I will be your guys sub for Mrs. Wong" we all said "good morning Mrs. Smith" Mrs. Smith said " lets get started with our project" we all got up and got into our groups I went up to Emma and  Jaden they keep giggling that mad me so mad and annoyed so i said "lets continue working" they ignored me after i said "HELLO you guys we need to work" Jaden said "just a second" I said "okay" I gave them a second but they kept giggling and giggling then i said " you guys will talk and giggle at your time" they said "Ugh fine" then we started working then I reached for the blue pen so as Jaden we looked at each other's eyes after Emma turned Jaden's head to her self after Jaden is like " you can take the pen" and I said "okay thank you" he said "yeah no problem" then we kept working.

     The bell rang and I went to my next class it was gym we went into the girls change room we changed our clothes and we started doing fitness I saw Jaden doing a chin up then I said " oh wow he is so strong" but I said it a little loud almost everyone heard me. I was doing some stretches Then Jaden held Emma's hand and they went to a quiet corner that there was no one and I followed them I count believe my eyes this time Jaden and Emma were kissing when I saw that I ran away after Jaden saw me and he ran after me.

                                                                                            To be continued 

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