Chapter 5

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I woke up at the morning and weared my clothes so fast then got my bag and blanket and my tent. i went down stairs and got my lunch that my packed me up and gave my mom and dad a kiss.

I got out the door after walked to school and i saw Emma and Jaden in front of the schools door they were counting and waiting for who's coming. I came after Emma said "why did you run home for" i said why did you run home for" I said "i didn't feel good" she said "okay"

After that almost everyone came and the teachers told us to go on the bus and we all went on the buss. Emma obviously sat with Jaden and i sat with a boy that had a crush on me till grade 1 and now i am grade 8 and he still likes the way i am.

Then i heard Emma talk about me she said "i know she is lying she ran home because she saw us kissing and she got jealous" then Jaden said "why would she do that" after i said "huh" she heard me and she looked back then i turned my head where the window is to look like i didn't hear them.

We got to the forest and we found a place as soon as possible. Then we all did our tent except for me because i never went on a camp before i tired to do it but i messed it up then Jaden asked " do you need help" i said "sure" he was just about to help then Emma came and said "Jaden you don't need to help her there is lots of boys that can help her you can come and help me" Jaden said" sorry" he whispered then i said "its okay" i whispered.

Then the boy that liked me from grade 1 to grade 8 he came up to me and said "do you need help" i said "sure, thank you" he looked at me smiled and said "your welcome" i raised one of my eyebrows and said "okay" Then after 10 min the tent was ready to go and i said "thank you for your help" after he walked away.

Emma told Jaden to go with her. I was wondering what they were going to do so i fallowed them but Emma tricked me to see if i was fallowing them Emma saw me and said "look Jaden i told you she is jealous of us" i said "huh no i am not i am going to go get water" she said "where is your water bottle" i looked every where but then i saw a bottle on the floor and said "i threw it there because you scared me" she said "okay" with weird

I got the bottle from the ground and faked that i went to get a water i ran and hided behind a tree she looked back and she didn't see me after she walked away and i had to go get a water so she wont ask where is the water i was so scared to go but i had to so i started walking and heard something and i said "who is there" with a shaking voice.

I went where the water fountain was. I was filling out the water after i turned back and the guy who liked me in grade 1 he was behind me his name is keegan and i got scared keegan said "Hey don't get scared i just came to fill out my water bottle" i said "I was just done filling out my water bottle, i am going back to the camp" he said " wait for me dont go alone i will come with you" I said "no i will go by myself" he said "okay don't get lost" i said "Okay" and i started walking back to the camo and i for got which way i came from.

I looked left to right and said "ugh i should of go with him now i am going to be lost" i went right and i started walking and it was getting cold i was tired and sat on a rock. I heard another noise coming behind the tree i got closer and closer and it was a squirrel i got scared and the squirrel ran up the tree.

Keegan was done filling out his water bottle he came to the same place where i came and he turned left he got to the camp and said "did you guys see Lola did she come yet" someone said " no i didn't see her" after i said "oh no she is lost" then i screamed saying "HEY BOYS AND GIRLS LOLA IS LOST WE HAVE TO GO FIND HER"Jaden said "huh she is lost. weren't you with her" Keegan said " yes, i was but she said she wanted to go by her self" Jaden said "how could you leave a girl by her self" Jaden went closer to him and punched him and then Jaden fell on the floor holding his nose Emma said "what are you doing why did you punch him" he said "he left Lola alone maybe something happen to her" Emma said "why do you care about her" Jaden said "I do because..... because... she is my friend" Emma looked angry at him then Keegan got up and punched him then he fell on the floor. Emma got in between them and yelled "STOP" then we stopped after Emma said "its not time to fight" Keegan said "yeah its not we will finish this later lets go and find Lola" then they went looking for her.

Lola was shaking because she was freezing cold with her quietly voice she said "help me, help me" then after a min she heard someone calling her name "LOLA... LOLA can you hear me" i said "i am here help me" then i fell a sleep i saw someone came up to me before i closed my eye. for a few second i saw everyone gathered around me. Jaden said "oh thank god she is awake" Keegan said "Lola are you okay" i said "i am fine you guys don't need to worry" i got up and said "i am going to go to my tent and sleep Jaden and Keegan said "okay" at the same time. I went in to my tent and fell a sleep.




2 Girl And 1 BoyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang