Chapter 4

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     Jaden saw me and ran after me he count catch me because i ran fast and went to a quiet place. It was a place like calmly and it was close to the park and i was hiding in the bushes. I didn't go to school for two day because i was so shy to go back there if i go i can't look at Jaden's face.

     I heard my mom calling my name but i didn't get out. Then for a while i heard no sounds at all. I looked out from a small spot. Kids were playing at the park i got bored and went out and sat on the swing and thought about what i was going to do. Then My mom started calling for me again. I was just going to get up but then they found me they saw me and ran up to me started hugging me kissing me my mom said "oh honey where were you" and i said "i am here now" my dad asked "are you okay Lola" i said "i am fine dad" after we went home and my mom cooked food i ate my dinner after i said" mom, dad i am going to bed because i am so tired" They said "okay honey you can go rest" it was night all ready i went up stairs and fell a sleep 

     I woke up and went downs stairs my mom said "good morning honey why didn't you wear your school clothes" i said "good morning mom i am not going to school today because i don't feel good, by the way where is dad" my mom said " your dad went to work so early today but he is going to come home early today though" i said "okay" and went up stairs lay on my bed i though about Jaden i said " i wonder what he is doing " then my phone dinged i was just about to look at it then i heard the door opening my dad said "hello i am home" i ran down stairs and said "hi dad" my dad said "aren't you suppose to be at school" i said "no dad i don't feel good" he said " oh okay where is your mom" i said " she went shopping" my dad said "okay Lola i am going to go up stairs and rest if your mom comes tell her to make lasagna for dinner" i said "okay dad" my dad went up stairs after i went to watch TV.

     I was watching TV show's then the door bell rang it was my mom she told me to go get the bags from the car i weared my clothes and went to the car and go some bag. I went in the house helped my mom put away the foods and other stuff. i told my mom "mom. dad told me to make lasagna for lunch" my mom said "okay" i went upstairs to do my homework when i got there my phone dinged i went to go get my phone and i saw a picture of Jaden and Edona going on a camp they putted a picture and sending it to people if they want to come they can. i ran down stairs and told my mom "mom my class is going on a camp can i go" my mom said "sure" i said "thanks mom" i was going up stairs my mom said "wait a second" i said "what" my mom said "when are you going on a camp" i said "tomorrow morning we are going to stay for one night" my mom said "okay don't get lost don't loose your classmates go where they are going" i said "okay mom" with boring voice.

I went up stairs got my bag i putted 2 shirt, 2 pants and 2 of each stuff i am bringing and i putted my hair brush got my blanket and tent then my mom called my dad and me to come downstairs to eat dinner i ate my food so fast because i was so excited i was done eating and went up stairs got in to my bed and fell a sleep.

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