Chapter 7

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Time went by quickly while we were on the bus. When we got to the school, everyone got off and started walking to the front doors. It felt good to be back to school, the camping trip was fun but really exhausting. It was the end of the day so everyone immediately went to their lockers to get their bags. As I walked over to my locker, I heard a familiar voice shouting my name.

"Lola! Wait up!"

I halted in my tracks and turned to the owner of the voice. It turned out the be Jaden, and I smiled.

"Oh sorry, I didn't see you"

He shrugged and looked at his feet. An awkward silence ensued. Finally growing tired of it, I looked at him.

"Soo, what's up?"

He blushed and looked at his toes, as if they were suddenly the most interesting thing in the world.

"Nothing much, I was just wondering if you wanted to walk home together.."

I couldn't contain the excitement raging within me. I almost jumped up and down in joy. I was about to take up on his offer until I saw Edona marching towards us from the corner of my eyes. She did not look happy.


He looked annoyed but managed to smile at her, "Yeah, I was but-"

She interrupted by placing a finger on his lips and smiled sweetly, "I don't care what your reason is, just walk home with me"

With that, she grabbed his hand and yanked him away from me. Jaden mouthed a quick 'sorry' in my direction and let her take him away. I couldn't help the massive waves of sadness that splashed within me. It would have been the first time that Jaden would have been able to walk with me.

But now that I think of it, Jaden was about to ditch his plans to walk with Emma in order to go with me. Maybe he likes me? He does try to spend time with me as much as he can, but if that was the case, why wouldn't he refuse Emma?

Another odd thought that kept swirling in my head was that Keegan may also like me. I've noticed him giving Keegan glared when we pass by them in the hall. Am I in a love triangle?!

As I came out of my thoughts I noticed a group of 3 guys with their hoods pulled all the way down their faces following me. Fear rushed through me and I started speed walking. I looked back and saw that they started walking faster too, and they were laughing this time too.

Now I started running.

I looked for a place to hide and when I saw an alley and immediately ran in. I know that was a stupid idea, but I was panicking and not using my brain. I heard them approaching and prayed they wouldn't see me. But then again
I'm an unlucky person, so they walked into the alley I was in and started grinning like mad.

"What should we do with her Zyad?" One of the guys with slanted eyes asked.

"We are going to make her our slave, Anton." The shortest of the 3, who I assumed was their leader, replied.

The third guy took off his hood to reveal a full head of bushy hair. Out of all the guys, he had the darkest skin. He grinned maniacally at me, and I felt myself shiver.

Zyad shot him an annoyed look. "TAMAM! What kind of idiot are you?? You know the cops are after us, put on your frickin hat"

Tamam looked embarrassed as he quickly put on his hood, "Sorry boss, I forgot again"

They turned back to me and started walking towards me. They kept coming closer and closer. I was begging that this time I may get lucky and be saved from this horrible situation. What are they going to do with me? They did say I would become their slave but I really hope that's not going to be the case. I squeezed my eyes shut just as I felt tears threatening to spill out. This can't be happening..


I opened my eyes quickly and saw the body of Zyad on the ground unconscious. The other two looked surprised and shocked as another figure stood behind them with a glare. I recognized it as Jaden. No way, Jaden came to save me? Happiness swelled within me.

While the two other guys were still in shock, Jaden grabbed my hand and started to run with me. We managed to run two whole blocks until we stopped and started gasping for air.

"I think we lost them" smiled Jaden.

I couldn't help but smile back but I could still feel a hint of fear within me. I guess that event traumatized me. I started to tremble and felt the tears cascading down my face. I broke down into a sob.


Jaden looked surprised by my sudden outburst, but I couldn't help it. I was so scared. A few seconds later I felt a strong pair of hands wrap around me. Jaden started whispering soothing words into my ear like 'don't worry I'm here now" and "I'll protect you".

After a while, I finally calmed down and Jaden cautiously released his hold on me. I felt much better now thanks to him. I smiled reassuringly at him. I don't know what I would have done without Jaden.

"Thank you so much for saving me, I was really scared"

He scratched and looked down, "It was nothing, I'm just glad your alright" Jaden looked up and grinned. It was the most beautiful thing I ever seen.

I suddenly came back to my senses and looked at my watch, it read 5:45pm. Oh, shoot! I need to get home quickly or else I'll get a lecture.

I turned back to Jaden, "Sorry Jaden, but I got to get going! See ya tomorrow I guess?"

He smiled at him in understanding, "Yeah, bye Lola"

We shared another smile before going our separate ways. My love for Jaden turned up another notch. I feel so happy, like all my worries just faded away. I skipped on home excited to see Jaden the next day.

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