Just Let Me Start Out

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Just let me start out. My name is Patric. I have dyed black hair, grayish eyes, and I’m thin, I mean rail thin. I’m 5’9” and a lot of me is legs. I’m Swedish, and my friends are always trying to convince me how amazing I am. I don’t believe them of course, ugh, I hate myself. I figure that before this story really gets started, I should probably tell you, I’m not like other guys. I’m “Different”. Ugh I hate that term. I won’t blame you if you bail after I tell you, actually you know what? I will, it isn’t bad. Well I guess I should just come out with it. I’m gay. Yup. Flaming homosexual over here. Have a problem? Fuck off.

What do you say we get this started huh? Just let me straighten my Niall poster. Yeah, one more thing, I’m in love with a boy that doesn’t know I exist.

 Welcome to my world.

First chapter. Short. Sorry. But some parts will be short. Enjoy all. 


What Matters Is Us (Finished but under edit)Where stories live. Discover now