Everyone's got a little secret

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As soon as the stage goes dark we feel our way over to a hole in the floor with stairs leading down. Katherine slips off of Zayn’s shoulders, they go first, then Harry, Louis, Liam, Niall, and me. When I step off the stairs a panel slides across the hole, shutting us off from the stage, lights come on and the room we are in is lit.

            “Well” Zayn says, smiling at Katherine “that was exciting”. 

            “Let me introduce everyone. I’m Katherine” she waves slightly “This is an amazing guy, Patric.” I wave as well “And Patric you already know the boys”.

            “Well I could tell when Katherine kissed Zayn that she’s a Directioner, but what about you Patric?” Liam asks.

            “Hell yeah down to the bone” I say back, raising my chin.

            “I bet girl Directioners are all over you” Harry throws in.

            “Yeah kind of but I’m not interested”

            “Why not?” Louis asks, “Our girls aren’t good enough for you?”

            “Oh no Lou it’s not that it’s-” Katherine tries to explain but I cut her off.

            “I’m gay”.

            “Well that makes four” Liam says under his breath.

            “Fourth what?” Katherine says, tilting her head.

            “Oh um… fourth gay man I know. There’s Harry and Louis, Niall, and Patric” he says all the names besides mine under his breath.

            “Liam!” Niall says sharply.

            “Wait what? Who?” I ask, I was pretty sure I heard right, but I wanted to check to make sure my ears weren’t playing tricks.

            Niall sighs, “He said, Patric, Harry, Louis, and Niall. You, Harry, Louis, and me”.

            “Niall you’re gay?” Katherine asks, looking hopefully in my direction.

            “Uh yeah. I actually came out on twitter, it was up for five minutes and I was already getting hate for it, so I deleted it, lucky nobody took a screenshot. But the hate made me really depressed, it made me realize that nobody wanted me for me, so I started covering ‘me’ up with tattoos”. Katherine walks up to him and hugs him tightly. He looks shocked but hugs her back.

            “I’m sorry Niall” she whispers.

            I walk over and touch his shoulder, he smiles at me, and I bask in the glow of it. Next thing I know he’s hugging me, hard too. I hug him back, lost in the feeling. He lets me go after a little while and smiles again.

            “Well I guess it’s gonna be obvious really soon that me and Perrie broke up” Zayn whispers. I look over to him and find him with his arms around Katherine’s waist, hugging her from behind. She smiles and leans into his chest.

            “Oh shit my sweatshirt and stuff” Katherine says and whips her head around.

            “Calm down love I had security get it, they’ll bring it in here. We have to get changed into our street clothes and then maybe we can go have some fun?”

            “Definitely!” I say and nod enthusiastically.

When the boys walk out a bodyguard walks in and hands Kea her stuff. She collapses in a chair and starts methodically taking off her bracelets, slowly showing her arms. When all her bracelets are off she quickly shoves them into her bag and then slips her sweatshirt back on, jerking the sleeves down to cover her hands.

She flashes a grins and puts her hands on her hips, “Ready for a night on the town?”

Okay, so if you love this chapter comment #NatricNiallfuckingtops and #ZatherineIshipit


What Matters Is Us (Finished but under edit)Where stories live. Discover now