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Another two weeks later, when we’re in New York and traveling down the east coast, is when the hotel erupts into screams and yells.

            Zayn said that he wasn’t feeling well so we left him at the hotel and went out with the other boys. The six of us traveled the streets, laughing and pushing each other around, seeing what’s to see. Even going to the Liberty Statue to be in the top of it. Once we get to the top I stand right next to the railing and Niall comes up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and setting his head on my shoulder.

            “It’s almost beautiful,” He says.

            Katherine is a few feet from us, holding the railing, looking out onto the city. God, she’s so happy. I love being this happy, and I love seeing her this happy. She skips over and smiles at me.

            “I need to go back to the hotel and check on Zayn, will you come with me?” she shakes her shoulders from side to side.

            I look at Niall “Yeah of course” we make a plan to meet them at a restaurant in half and hour and then Katherine and I go back to the mainland to get back to the hotel. We’re walking down the street when we pass a magazine vendor, she freezes. Pictures of Zayn making out with Perrie splatter the front page of almost every issue. The pictures are recent, only from a few days ago. She snatches a magazine and we walk as quickly as possible to the hotel room. We get and see Zayn in sitting in a chair, watching t.v. He smiles as we walk in.

            Katherine holds up the magazine.

            The yelling starts.

            “What the FUCK?!” Katherine screeches.

            “Babe?” Zayn sounds alarmed.

            Katherine’s eyes snap from the cover of the magazine to Zayn’s shocked face.

            “Baby it’s fake” he stands up and holds his hands up to calm her down.

            “Bullshit” she snarls.

            “Katherine I swear”

            “Liar!” she seethes, throwing the magazine at him and raking her hands through her hair, her eyes going wild.

            “I am not,” Zayn says, his shoulders tensing as he starts to get angry.

            “Fuck you” Katherine clenches her jaw “I fucking hate you”.

            “You don’t mean that” I touch her shoulder.

            “He cheated on me Patric! Who’s side are you on?!” Katherine’s face says she’s angry, but her eyes say that she’s just hurt. She’d thought she’d finally found love. And she was wrong.

            “You know that people edit pictures all the time. It’s probably fake” I explain in a slow tone.

            She refuses to listen, and continues attacking Zayn “I guess I wasn’t good enough huh” she sneers, her pain starting to show through “Just can’t get enough ass can you?” she barks. Staring him down.

            “Katherine that’s enough” I take in the look on Zayn’s face as she starts circling him.

            “Babe” Zayn reaches for her.

            She looks disgusted “You think you can touch me after you had those hands all over her?”

            “I didn’t touch her!” Zayn roars, going red in the neck and face as he snaps.

            Katherine points to the magazine “You wanna tell me that again?!” she yells “It’s on the fucking front page Malik! I loved you! And you go and cheat on me?” She sounds so hurt “I fucking hate you” she whispers, and looks away. He walks towards her “Get the fuck away from me” she stumbles backwards. “Just stop lying to me” she whispers, looking up at Zayn, her eyes glassy.

            “I’m not lying!” he insists, “I swear! I love you! I loved her too but not anymore! I would never cheat on any girl! I couldn’t bear the guilt! I love you! I do! I’ve never been this in love with someone! Not even Perrie!” He screams. “The pictures are fake Katherine! I haven’t seen her since the night I met you at the concert! And I hadn’t even touched her a since a week before that! I. Love. You!”

            She isn’t even listening, she’s so upset, staring blank eyed at the magazine. Zayn looks at me over his shoulder.

            “Patric please leave” his caramel brown eyes meet my gray.


            “Please. I want to be alone with her”.

            I nod slowly “O-okay, I’ll tell the other boys” I go to the door and meet Katherine’s eyes, ‘I’m sorry’ I mouth to her. She didn’t want to be alone with him while they’re fighting, but I don’t want to get between them. Zayn’s right anyway. I close the door behind me and run down the stairs. 

Zatherine fight!


What Matters Is Us (Finished but under edit)Where stories live. Discover now