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"My head is haunting me and my heart feels like a ghost

I need to feel something, cause I'm still so far from home
Cross your heart and hope to die
Promise me you'll never leave my side

Show me what I can't see when the spark in my eyes is gone
You got me on my knees, I'm your one man cult
Cross my heart and hope to die
Promise you I'll never leave your side" 

The crowd was cheering as Oli belted out each word, singing along at the top of their lungs. That's what makes this job so rewarding. Seeing all those smiling faces out there, the kids who love what we do. The ones who go and buy our cd's, shirts, hoodies, whatever. They're the reason we do this. They're the ones who have helped us make our dreams come true. 

Oli had just finished the song and had stopped to take a sip of water before turning his attention back to the crowd. Kids were tossing things onstage all the time and we never really thought anything about it. We had just started to play the next song when I saw something coming straight at Oli. 

He didn't notice the object, instead kept singing. Before we knew it, whatever it was hit Oli on the head and he fell to the ground. I wasted no time tossing my drumsticks to the floor and rushing to Oli's side. 

The fans were hysterical now. They were as worried about him as we were. He wasn't waking up. I shook my head and gently pushed some of his hair away from his eyes. It wasn't long until the paramedics arrived and carefully lifted his body onto the stretcher and hurried him outside. 

I didn't even give the men a chance to tell me if I could ride in the ambulance with Oli or not. I jumped in, grabbing Oli's hand.  "You're going to be fine" I said softly, swallowing hard as the doors were shut, the sirens were turned on and we headed down the street to the hospital. 

Once we'd pulled into the emergency department, the ambulance came to a stop and the doors were opened. I didn't let go of his hand as we ran inside the hospital. 

He has to be okay. He just has too. There are so many things I want to say to him. Things I need to say. I just hope I got the chance. 

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