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My eyes opened just before the sunrise and I glanced next to me, grinning when I saw Oli was still fast asleep. I leaned in, pressing a kiss to his lips to wake him. "Baby, baby wake up" I said softly. 

It wasn't long until his eyes opened slowly and he groaned a bit before looking up at me with a smile on his face. "Morning, love." He said, voice thick with sleep. 

"Good morning, look just in time to see the sunrise this morning" I said, pointing off in the distance. 

He sat up slightly, leaning against me. Times like this were the ones that mattered the most to me. I smiled and pressed a kiss to his cheek, sighing softly as I held him close. 

It seemed like time was flying by. Christmas was next week. We tried not to think or talk about it because let's face it, we didn't know what was going to happen. But, I think it's safe to say we were all worried. 

"I love you, Oli" I said softly, keeping my arms wrapped tightly around him. 

"I love you too, Jordan. So much" He said softly. 

I couldn't help but smile every time I heard him say he loved me. It was the best feeling in the world. I'd waited so long to hear those words from him. 

Everyday with him was a blessing. I cherished each and every moment, every "I love you" they all meant something to me. I'd never felt this way about another person before, let alone a man. With Oli, all my fears and concerns were washed away. He made it all okay. Made it all seem right. And it was. 

I glanced down at the man in my arms and I saw a single tear slip down his cheek. Part of me wanted to say something, but I didn't. I knew this was hard as hell on me and the others, but I couldn't imagine what this was doing to Oli. Knowing he is going to die soon and knowing he's leaving all of us behind. That couldn't be easy. 

I had to fight back my own tears now. I hated to see him cry. It broke my heart into a million pieces every time. 

"Are you scared?" Lee asked, breaking the silence. 

Oli nodded, wiping at his eyes with the back of his hand "To death...." He said, laughing sarcastically. 

Usually, we would have laughed at the remark, but it hit home this time and honestly, none of us found it funny.

"Sorry" He began, sighing "Yeah, I am scared. I'm scared it's going to hurt, I'm scared to be alone, but most of all, I'm scared to leave all of you behind." He said softly. 

I could hear the others sniffling and I knew there wasn't a dry eye around. 

We all loved Oli. He'd been through so much and was still able to come out on top. He'd been through a drug addiction, a failed marriage...but, he never gave up. Hell, if anything those things made him stronger. I think that's why we all admired him. 

I knew he'd fight this until the end. That's just the kind of person he was. He wouldn't give up until there was no more fight in him. I knew this. We all knew this. 

"I can't imagine what you're going through right now.." Matt started, taking in a shaky breath " Just know we're all here for you. Whatever you want to do, we'll see it happens. We wanna make whatever time you have left enjoyable." He said.

I could see a small smile forming on Oli's lips and I couldn't help but mirror the smile. His smiles were contagious, no one could be sad around him. He didn't like it. 

"Thanks, guys" He started, "I don't think I could do this without your love and support. It means more to me than you'll ever know." 

"So, what would you like to do tonight?" I asked, running my fingers through his hair slowly. 

He shrugged "I'm not sure honestly. I don't really feel like going anywhere...maybe we could just stay here. We could stay up all night and just talk..." He said. 

I smiled, pressing a kiss to the top of his head "I think that's a good idea, baby.." 

Everyone agreed and we stayed outside, watching the sunrise. 

I hoped and prayed this wouldn't be the last one we'd all watch together. 

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