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Ollie's P.O.V

'What the bloody hell happened?' I thought as I slowly opened my eyes. The last thing I remember was talking to Jordan. That's it.

Panicking, I look around the room. Where was everyone? Why weren't they here?

Maybe they left me. Maybe they're tired of taking care of my sick ass. I know I would be.

I sighed and fought the tears that threatened to spill at any moment. Where was I? Nothing about my surroundings looked familiar.

I could hear voices in the distance. They seemed to be growing closer. It's Jordan. He didn't leave me afterall.

He opened the door and I darted toward him, trying to wrap my arms around him. I missed him though. For a moment it seemed as though I went right through him.

"Ollie" he started, not looking at me. "I love you..." His voice trailed off.

"I love you too, Jordan." I replied as I stepped closer. He was crying.

"Why are you crying, baby?" I asked, stopping dead in my tracks when I saw the body lying on the bed in front of  me.

It was me.

I stumbled back, swallowing back my screams. This wasn't happening. I was standing right here. So, why was I lying on that bed? Why couldn't Jordan see me?

Just then the door opened and Lee and the others hurried through the door.

"How is he?" Lee asked.

Jordan looked up, tears streaming down his cheeks. "They say he doesn't have much longer now."

Wait, what? I'm dying? Now. No, this isn't happening. I'm not ready to go. Not yet.

I couldn't help but stare at my lifeless body on that bed. Its kind of scary to think you could take your last breath on this earth at any moment.

There were so many things I wanted too do before my time was up.

"I don't know how I'm supposed to let him go," Jordan said, taking my hand in his.

I could feel the tears streaming down my cheeks as I placed a hand against his shoulder. 

"We're all here for you, Jordan. We'll get through this together.,"

"Ollie," Lee started "I know you've fought hard. You've made it longer than most people thought. But, you don't have to fight anymore. You can let go.." He said, body wracking with sobs.

It was in that moment the machines keeping me alive started making noises and doctors and nurses flooded the room.

This was it. I was dying.

The doctors began trying to revive me, screaming out medical terms I really didn't understand. My eyes fell on my body.

Fight, damnit. Don't you dare give up. Not now. You have too much to live for. Someone help me!

They drug Jordan and the others out of the room as they tried to save me.

After what felt like hours, they stopped. They pulled the sheet up and over my head and slowly walked out of the room.

"I'm sorry. We done all we could."

"Thank you for everything, doctor." Lee said, shaking his hand.

So, I'm dead. This is what it feels like. Wait, if I'm dead, why am I still here?

A/N: so, as you can see this story has taken on a life of its own. Can't wait to write the next chapter!

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