ACT I: Heaven Fall

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This is it. I'm stuck. We are losing. All the men... they are dead! And the horde is breaking through our last defences! It's only me and Mike left. If I die here... and the next team that found this audio journal, know that my men fought bravely. But there are just too many of the undead. My name is Commander John Kingston, and its been an honour to fight for humanity.

... Mike died. Maybe his wound is too great.. I'm wasting away too.. I wish I can do bett..*howls*

-recording ends-

That's what the rescue team found.
My name is Alex. Alexander Kingston. I'm a citizen of the great last kingdom of men. Gem of the living. We live in an empire we named Crisea. A gigantic island in the middle of the sea. the bridge between the island and the mainland is made from holy magic, making the bridge unpassable by everything except us. We live peacefully with the other races. Elves, master of magic, dwarves, amazing engineers, us humans and a new race, Angels. My brother dying message, that was 5 years ago. it all started with the Great war. 50 years ago, the world lived in peace. One fateful day, a hole on the ground opened. then came demons, pouring out of the underworld. millions and millions of demons came. all of the kingdoms fought this insane war, but its a losing war. Everyone that falls, becomes demons, undead. our number dwindles as the demons are bolstered. until days later, the sky was split, and a holy light struck the very hole that the demon came from. and behold, the army of angels fought the demon with such power, it tipped the balance of the entire fight. as the angels fought, we were saved, and lead a new land, free from corruption. there, we created the last empire of the alliance, from the survivor of the great war. we survived because of our unity, and from the guidance of the angels. 

Elves, master of magic. they live for hundreds of years, making them a force in magic.  these are the best of the best in arcane arts, which makes them the best healer, arcane knights, and overall the best mage. they created a magic academy, which trains all races mages. they are lead by the high elf, Ellrandir. Hero of the Great war.

Dwarves, the best engineer the world has known. they live for science and technology, due to their lack of magic gift. they are master craftsmen, master blacksmith, and have the best support army in the entire empire. their army fight with black powder and heavy armour, making them perfect in defence .they are the empire last defence. they are lead by the underking, Therald grey-shield, the greatest knight of the dwarven kingdom.

Humans, make almost half the population on the entire island. we are the most powerful military might, consisting of mages, knights, and artillery. due to the abundance of humans, we are the backbone of the island. farming, fishing, merchants and general workers. Needless to say,  humans are the most significant presence on the island. we are lead by King Graham, a famous human Mage. 

All of the rulers are overseen by the angelic circle, a holy order of the highest angels. these angels are incorruptible, making them perfect overseer on the alliance. This is a story, that would alter the knowledge of the world. This is my story.

I sat on a table with my lunch. This is my favourite place to eat. Nice food. Tasty drinks. Beautiful owner. I had a crush on her since I know how to talk. She's my childhood friend. Her name is Eva. She is a half-angel. "Eva!"
I call her confidently. She walked to me with a bright smile and alluring steps. She sits the opposite of me and smiled. "Hey, Alex." What are you up to? She said while touching my hand.
Then, I heard a clunking sound of an armoured person walking towards me. "Ahhh Draco is here!" Eva said happily. I look back and looked at this huge man in an adorned carved armour. "Hi, Draco. How's your mission?" I said with a smile. Draco is Eva and my childhood friend. He's the captain of the Vanguard division, a powerful heavy armoured paladins that serves the human kingdom.
"It's ok.. but we lost another vanguard. Ambushed by trolls." Draco said with a straight face. "And also.. we going to go on a quest. Order from the archangel. " he said again. This time I can see a bit of remorse in his face.

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