ACT: VII The Lion of the Skies

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Its been three weeks since the whole knight of cringe fiasco. I entered training, and since my developing powers are now stable, I'm training as a knight. these obstacles seem so easy now. i breezed through it with minimal effort. I'm like a super-soldier now due to my powers. but i have several weakness. physically, I'm in top shape. mentally i am not. I get tired if i use my powers or if my armour is pummeled.

What power you ask? Damage resistance, enhanced strength, enhanced speed, and Brunhilde. I'm a powerful human now, but no way near the world eater level. But it's enough to save myself in case we are in danger. I thought about an expedition, and I posted flyers

We went to the tavern and posted recruitment notice. Draco and Eva won't follow this time around, due to how dangerous this quest would be. Draco has to lead the vanguard into another mission since we confirmed what happened to my brother. He really is gone, but he died as a human. He didn't turn into a demon or got kidnapped by one. I'm just glad at least he died honourably.

I wonder if my party would have only females? That's the dream. Wait no I have Eva. Maybe a party of knights? That would be very powerful. What about mounted knights? We can ride everywhere we go with our trusted steed? As I'm daydreaming, a man and a woman entered. the woman carried a bow that's adorned with beautiful golden lining. she is an elf. and the man wore heavy armour, as heavy as vanguards. he carries 4 war axes with him. they walked into the tavern and put the recruitment notice on my table. "You're needed by the archangel Alex." The elf acher said. I went to the meeting house, where all the kingdoms meet and discuss strategy. I was surprised when all the big shot were there.
High elf Ellrandir, King Graham and Underking Thorald grey-shield was there. They had 5 bodyguard each, and apparently the two that went to me in the tavern was one of the high elf and the dwarf king bodyguard.
The door opens slowly, and the archangel entered. We only call the archangel Merlin, since we can't possibly pronounce the real name. The archangel is a powerful magister, and healers. He's is the most powerful amongst the angel since the Great war.

"Hello Alex. I see that you are confused?" He shakes my hand and smiled. Incase you are wondering, we don't worship our saviour. But we do respect their powers. Since angels are incorruptible, they are often judges or seer to every decision. We sat on the meeting table, and not long after, the important people from each faction arrived. Even one of the most elusive leader to be seen is here. Her name were uttered in legends. Her battle prowess were feared by giants and demons alike. The very sight of her, makes her allies feel stronger. She enters the room, and the entire chatter silenced. Nobody seen her since the Great war. And here she is. The Valkyrie. She wore a golden armour, shining from her holy powers. The armour was made in heaven, by one of the most powerful heaven Smith. She wore a helmet that covers her entire face so we don't know how she look like at all. But her appearance is intimidating nonetheless. She took her helmet off, and she stunned us all. It was a pretty woman, with green jade eyes. Full red lips, and blonde hair pretty as gold strands. She probably the last of her order, since the Great war.

"Now we are all introduced and settled, let's talk about this meeting." King Graham broke he silence.
"Valkyrie reported that a huge demon army is massing. As if there are leaders again in their army. This is Dire news." King Graham added.
It must be the world eater. He's powerful enough to command the army. They discussed about the situation while I stared to the floor. I still felt the pain, the anger, and the fear the world eater gave me. This isn't a complex enemy. It's an enemy that have sheer powers, that eat everything and anything, and gaining more powers by doing so. It can eat the entire world, and after that I doubt anything can stop it.

I wanted to take a peek at the Valkyrie, and as I do that, she was staring dead into my eyes. She then nods and smiled. I was so surprised my jaw dropped. Then... Suddenly.. the crystal in my chest glows as bright as day, stunning everyone in the room.

I feel really hot. As if my chest is being burned. The heat isn't painful weirdly.


"You must find the old warrior. He can guide you to all the beasts. The world eater is getting more powerful each day you waste.. "

The voices stops. It felt like a hundred people talking to me. But nobody was in the room. Everyone was busy being surprised. All the eyes are are on me now. Shucks.

Valkyrie went to me, and pull on my arm. She took me to the backroom, and checked the crystal.

I must say. It was very awkward with a pretty girl, staring and talking to your chest. She looked at me, and Miku pops out. She looked at Miku and her eyes widen.

"I knew it! I totally knew it! You're the chose one Brunhilde picked! I've been scouring the lands for you! To meet you in this island? My my such luck!" She seem excited. She then told me her story.

Brunhilde was the general of all the Valkyries. And Valkyrie here is her right hand man. From her story, it turns out this crystal, this armour, is Brunhilde life force. Miku is her spirit. Basically I'm the living will of the legendary Valkyrie.

"Right. From now on I'm living with you" she said excitedly.

"Wait what."

"I'll train you. Alex wasn't it?"

"Yes. I'm Alex. But why you'll live with me?"

"I'm poor. I have no house. I've been travelling remember?"

"Yes. But I live in a one room apartment. I only have one bed!"

"Yea? We will share? What's the problem with that?"

Oh my god great. The legendary warrior princess is an airhead. My luck is amazing isn't it. Sigh.

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