ACT IV: The World Eater

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We left the fortress in the morning after breakfast. The orc chieftain gave us alot of supplies in our journey. Food, medicine, poultice, potions. We met little resistance first, but as we get closer to the place my brother was 5 years ago, the demons keep getting more aggressive. We are very lucky these demons is just a regular one. Any higher demons, and I don't think we can handle a horde.

There was an old house still standing. Beaten up, but it's there. Outside the house, there's skeletons. And they wore scouts armour. This must be my brother scout teams. At least they died a human.

We entered the house, and we found the place they found my brother's recording. Oddly. It feels like a very disturbing feeling. As if there's something there. 

"There's a curse here. I can feel it."said Miku. She casted a spell, and a light shimmered near the place. I picked it up, and examined it."what is it?" Asked Eva.
"It look like some kind of a crystal" Draco added.

Then, the crystal glowed. It was so bright, it felt like we were staring at the sun. The crystal went to Miku, and bonded with her. She glows, and finally return to normal.

"What was that? That was very strange." Asked Eva.

As she asked, a loud roar split the sky.
The earth shooked. And the deafening roar continues. We went outside the house, and behold. It was a gigantic, flaming,  demon. And this do not look like a dumb demon. It's face looked like a spider, it's body an ape, and it's filled with spikes. And to make it worse, this demon looked like it's been sleeping for awhile. So it must have been hungry. He spotted us, bit there's no way we can fight that monster. We ran, but he's not giving up. He slowly inch nearer to us. I can't let that beast capture Eva or Draco. I love Eva. And losing Draco will be a major blow to his troop morale. I looked at them both,

"You two. Run."

I stopped running, and stand face to face with this monstrosity.

Draco and Eva stopped, hastily trying to help me.

"RUN! DO NOT LET ME DIE BY DRAGGING YOU BOTH WITH ME! GO BACK AND WARN WHAT WE SAW HERE!" I yelled as loud as I can. I can see hesitation in the two, but if this how it ends, I don't want to die a coward. I took my short sword, ran towards the demon, and I got kicked out of the way. The demon did a serious damage to me. I can feel my body shooting pain all over. But I can't give up. If I die here, nothing will distract it from chasing the two. I stand. The demon just looked at me smirking. I can't see the two anymore. Be safe. I charge one more time, and wished in my heart. If I die and get reincarnated, I want to be a hero.

I finally landed my sword on the demon toe. The sword shattered into a million pieces. The demon grabbed me, looked at my face and said,

"We will eat the entire world. For we are the devourer. We will destroy all life. Remember my face, and tell the dead souls that they fought without honours."

I can feel my entire body slowly getting crushed. I looked at it's face, stared in its eyes, and i said,

"I am a nobody. I only went here to find about my brother. But if monsters like you threaten this world,
And dare to mock the honourable dead, then I swear to you, I will never forget this rage. I will haunt you, and after I'm done, I'll go to your miserable world, and I will become death, the destroyer of  worlds."

Then I felt nothing. Just darkness remains.. like a soft, gentle touch of a moonlight. then everything, didn't seem to matter anymore. 

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