ACT V: The Golden Fleece

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Where am I? Aren't I supposed to be dead? am I in heaven? I can't open my eyes. I can't move my body... im.. not breathing? Is this what death is? I sure hope Draco and Eva is alright. I miss them. Odd. odd things happen to me.haha. champion. I don't even know champion of what.  

"You're not dead. You're were at the brink. but you're barely a human now. I have given you a gift." 

I wanted to ask who does that voice belong to, but I can't move my mouth.

"It's alright. You're safe. Now rest. I know you have a million questions now, but rest." I fell asleep after. For some reason the voice is soothing and I felt very safe.

I woke up in a cave. It's a windy cave, chilly too. But I'm cosy and snug. I was covered in a golden fleece, and I can feel my body now. There was no one around me. But there's a crystal in the middle of my chest. I rub the crystal softly, and the crystal glow. Miku suddenly came out from the crystal, smiling at me like she always has.

"Hi Alex! I was so worried about you!" She smiles as she snuggles my wrist.
Kholkikos saved you! You were barely human after that fight. Your body was destroyed... I took your soul into the crystal, and kholkikos found your body lifeless. He took us here and used that magical fleece to heal you. We had to use weeks of magic to restore you. I thought I lost you.." she sobbed while she explained to me what happened.

"How long was I asleep?"

"A few weeks," Miku said while still snuggling my wrist.

"Where are we?"

"In the cave of the Dragon Kholkikos. He's the guardian of the Golden fleece, and one of the remaining true dragon. Let's get you dressed, and we should meet the dragon." Miku said happily.

I wore a sort of tunic and some gloves. I wore the golden fleece on my back in case I still need it. A short walk to the inner cave, lies the great dragon Kholkikos. He's a slender, with fur covering his entire body. the dragon looks as majestic as it can be and it was an experience I can't ever forget. I can't believe I was saved by such a legendary creature. 

"Hello great one, We are here to thank you for your help. without it, we are sure to have perished". The dragon stands and looked at us with great pressure of his gaze.

" I have helped not because of a whim. the lady of the sky requested that I help her champion. you were picked from birth, to be a human that can be made into a weapon of legend. for your true purpose is to find all the legend of the past, and recruit them the fight an upcoming doom. the world eater has awakened. each passing day his power grows as he consumes.  I have seen the tide of time. the destiny of all that may. lady Brunhilde chose you as her champion not out of a whim. its because you're unique. you are capable of doing spirit fuse. your soul can be shaped around of the spirit world." 

Those words shocked me. am I that special? after the meeting with the dragon, I went to the cave mouth and reflect. 

"Are you ok?" Miku asked. She must be worrying all this time. 

"I'm fine. just thinking of Eva and Draco is all. "

The day ended as I stared at the sunset. At night, I feel a searing pain in my chest. A heavy heat like a fire has started in my heart. My heart finally calmed, and the pain subsided after a few minutes. My body tho, felt powerful. I feel like I can take over the world. I remember my eyes grew heavy after. And I fell asleep.

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