ACT VI: All Hail The Dragon

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I dreamed of a flower garden. The flowers were glowing. the smell of morning dew, amidst a gentle touch. Everything was enveloped in light. a calming pulse of home. it felt like I belong here, and the place is familiar. What is this motherly feeling? then I remember the World Eater. there is no force in this world than can stop it if it let loose. From the look of it, the more it consumes, the more powerful it becomes. maybe that's why everything the demon kill, turn into more demons. as it can just command the demons to be its food. I don't know why I'm chosen, or why I feel so powerful now. but I decided that I will train, I shall be ready to stop this monster.  I'm going back to Crisea, and ill train myself properly to earn my champion title. no. not a title, my destiny. I am the champion of the living, and I shall purge all that dare to touch the innocents.  I am Alex Kingston no longer. From now on, I shall be Alexander, champion of everyone! wait that sounds cheesy. Alexander, champion of champions! too cringe. Champion of the north! wait but Crisea is South. 

I took a few hours thinking of a new name for myself, and I didn't realise Miku was staring at me in full-blown lady of the rain form giggling. now I'm all embarrassed since this pretty lady is looking at me being as cringy as they come. Guess the naming should wait later on. Miku hugged me and took my hand into hers. she smiled, and lead me to Kholkikos. I had my final treatment from the Dragon, and He gave me a parting gift. It was a heavy armour, made from magical metal. It looks ancient and heavy. I can't ever stand in that armour, let around moving in it. Not trying to be rude to the dragon that saved me from doom, I took the armour, but it was surprisingly light. it feels like 3 loaves of bread in weight. I can barely understand why this felt so light. Kholkikos saw my puzzled face and told me why. 

I'm not a human anymore. Kholkikos poured his lifeforce, his powers into me. since Miku took my soul into the crystal that I found before, shes practically bonded to me. it appears that I'm turning into a fairy knight! wait no. I need to think of a better name...

I wore the armour, and it blew my mind. it felt like I was wearing cotton. so comfy, but it can practically shrug off Miku's Tsunami blade. the very blade that pawned that dream demon. I can sprint in this armour at full speed and it doesn't even tire me. It's an amazing armour, beyond my wildest dreams. there's one bad thing about this armour. no sword in this cave looks good on it! it is like wearing the most beautiful clothing and carry a beat-up butterknife. I need a pretty sword! on the last day, before i go back to Crisea, the Dragon gave me a blessing and a message. 

"Seek the Seven Masters. Learn. only after the trials are set, you shall be reborn."

I then felt wisdom poured into me. I know what I should do now. I know how to save the world. I need to find legendary being that were so powerful, they hid themselves so the balance of the world can be restored. the beings I need to find are...

Jörmungandr  -   The World Serpent. A gigantic serpent that was rumoured to wrap the entire world. 

Pheonix - An eternal bird that as beautiful as the dancing flame. 

The Great Sphinx- Guardian of an ancient tomb, guards a treasure of immense power. It devours the trespasser that cannot solve his riddles.

Sleipnir- Eight legged horse, rumoured as the fastest being in all the realms. 

Titania- Queen of the fairies. A powerful fairy, she was feared even by the demons. Command the entire nature and the only one that can awake the trents.

Amarok- A giant wolf from the barrens lands of the north, hunts alone in the cold and dark land. it was said it is a monstrous wolf bigger than a house. 

Aeterna- A dragon who was known as the First of the dragon. it was said this dragon was born out of time. He was known as the lord of time, as he exists, but at the same time, do not. he resides between reality and dreams. Beyond and in time. If we enter his realm, we would be a baby, an adult, old, and ancient at the same time. 

Finding these legends will be a great journey. i may be powerful now, but i have no idea how to use my abilities. Let's worry about that later. Right now, we need to get to Crisea. Miku tapped my shoulder and smiled. 

"i have a surprise for you." she bowed and turned into a beautiful magical sword. its hilt was golden. the blade is a wavy torrent. the sword itself was very light, as if it was air.

" I shall be your sword whenever you need me, Alex." she then turned back into the cute, kitten fairy-like she used to be. i guess she wanted to show off. I'm not gonna lie. my jaw dropped. this girl is amazing. but this sword needs a name. miku? Swordiku? Mikuslash? hm...I got it! my Sword, this amazing piece of weapon, shall be called Brunhilde. 

Miku smiled and snuggled herself in my backpack. With Kholkikos magic, i will be teleported not far from Crisea. i cant wait to meet those two..wait. my name! i forgot my name! what shall i call myself? wait. Brunhilde, Champion Armour, i got it! 

I posed heroically, raised my fist into the air, and yelled, i am Alexander, The Champion of the Sky! as i about to say that, i got teleported right in the middle of the Counsel, in Crisea. i yelled that I'm a Champion of the sky, while i was teleported in the middle of a meeting of our alliance leader. Draco was there, Eva was there, our king, the Dwarf king, the Elven lord, the Angelic circle, all of these leaders is staring at me. i didn't expect to be teleported RIGHT THIS INSTANT, in the middle of this meeting! i was so frozen, i kept my fist up, and said something worse. What i said was,  

"Kholkikos, you son of a *****" The entire room burst into laughter, and i was known as Alexander, The Cringe Knight from then on. 

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