Chapter 11

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You quickly get up and run to your room.How could you be so careless? Luckily, your work allows you to bring your children. Bless your forever. You throw on your uniform. A dark green t-shirt with their company's logo on it and black jeans. You throw on the black, oddly comfy shoes.

"Arlin! Erik! We gotta go!" You yell while rushing out of the room.

They are all ready at the door.

"We saw the clock and got ready quickly," Erik says.

"Thank you Sweethearts." You smile.

"Take care of Kira!" Erik demands his father then smiles and leaves.

You shrug and walk out the door. You grab your kids' hands and run all the way to work. Of course, the building is packed on the day you're late. Your boss is so not going to he happy. When you walk through the glass doors, the boss is all ready standing there cross eyed. You apologize for how late you are. Your boss's cross eyes soften a bit when she looks at your children.
"I guess I can let it slide this once since this is your first time being late," she says. She hands you a list of all the animals you are responsible for. "Make sure you do an extra good job, so I really can overlook this."

You bow and thank her. She smiles and walks into her office. Poor woman. Her desk is always filled with different types of papers. Bills, bank notices. This place isn't the best at business. We're lucky to get about twenty people in here. Your children follow you into the cage room.  You hand the list to Erik.

"Read it to me." 

Erik nods. This is the perfect way to help improve his reading skills. Because the paper has names, colors, animals, medical conditions, et cetera. Erik looks at the paper confused. He squints his eyes, trying to figure out what it says.
"S-S-So-o-o-f-f-fie. A c-ca-at with long g-g-gr-r-r-r-ra-a-ay fur. And g-g-gr-reen eyes." He stutters a little, but that's good. You want him to sound it out. He used to always ask you the words and now he wants to figure them out himself. To be honest, you miss those days. You keep forgetting how independent they are both becoming. Slowly but surely, they are leaning further and further away from you. "She needs her m-m-m-me-e-ed-d-dkin."

"Medicine. The 'c' is speaking very softly so when the animal hears it, they won't get too scared. If it was a hard 'c' than the animal might get startled and run away." You know this is a stupid but it's the best you can come up with. "Arlin, will you look for the kitty for me." Looking for the animals helps him learn his colors since he will be headed to kindergarten in two years. Ugh! Stop growing. Stay Mommy's babies just a little longer.
Arlin rushes through the cages. Then when he can't Sophie, he goes back through more carefully. Looking over every cat and dog. Then he stops in front of one cage. Something in his expression scares you. His hands cling the the chest of his shirt. "M-M-Mommy. She isn't breathing."
He looks at you with broken eyes. Tears slowly filling them. He doesn't know what happens, but his heart does. You rush over and hug him tight. "She's just sleeping very deeply that's all. She'll be fine." You couldn't protect him. You didn't hold on tight enough. You hold onto Arlin tightly. "I'm so sorry Sweetie." You take both of them out and sit them down in the waiting room.
Then, you go into the boss's office. The stress in her face is obvious. Every wrinkle and loose strand scream it. She runs her hand over her hair and look up at you with her bloodshot eyes. Must've been a good day for bad luck to happen.
"May I help you (Y/N)?"
You hesitate to tell her while looking at the pile of bills and requests. Taking a huge gulp. "Sophie. The one with long gray away. My son found her."
"DAMN IT!" she screams and slamming her fist on the table, causing all of the piles to tumble over. She takes a deep breath. "This is not going to help us with business." She looks at you. "Are you sure the cat is dead."

You nod. "She wasn't breathing."
She lets out a huge sigh. "What am I going to tell the owner? Oh that poor woman."
"I'll tell her. The cat was my responsibility. Since I was late, it's the best punishment."
Your boss's eyes widen. "(Y/N). I can't let you do that. I knew that cat wasn't going to make it too long."
"Please let me." You look at the puddles of papers scattered on the floor. "I want to."
"Just get back to work. I'm sure your boys need you." She looks away and grabs her phone. "I don't need help running my business."
You slam your hand on the desk. "Some people just want to help. My bad that I am actually a good person! You need to accept help sometimes or else your going to work yourself to death!"
She slowly puts down the phone. "Your absolutely right."
"You're fired."
"Fine by me!" You storm out and slam the door, causing the last bit of paper fall. "Come on Sweeties. We're going home early."
They slowly stand up and follow you out the door. Erik looks back and his eyes fall to the ground. Your heart sinks. He knows. You're such a terrible mother. You're teaching them wrong. You're teaching the worst way possible. No matter how hard you try, you keep screwing up. You bite your lip and force the tears back into your eyes. Then, you feel a hand on your leg.
Erik looks at you with such strong eyes. "Don't worry Mommy. We'll get through it like we always do. Just keep smiling," he smiles, "and everything will be okay."
Why? Why is he so much stronger than you? You're supposed to be making him happy. All your screw ups are making him fake it. "I'm so sorry." Tears force their ways out of your eyes, and the world forces you onto your knees.
Little arms wrap around you. The tears just keep falling. How have you not noticed it before? They've been faking for so long. Where did they learn that? How have they mastered the fake smile so well? From you. They learned it....from you. It's your fault. 
"No cry Mommy," Arlin whispers. "Keep smile. Mommy smile pretty. Mommy smile better." You can hear the tears he is trying to choke back. NO! He's too young to know how to do this. It's your fault. You didn't hold on tight enough. "Cat dead. I know."
The tears randomly cut off from your eyes. You look at you child. You didn't hold on tight enough. "How did you know?" You didn't hold on tight enough. 
"Pass graveyard before," he says.
You didn't hold on tight enough. You didn't hold on tight enough! You didn't protect them! You didn't protect them! And it's all your fault!
A hand falls onto your shoulder. You look up to see Eren. You quickly get up and press your face against his chest. "It's all my fault!" you scream. "It's all my fault! It's all my fault!" 
He lifts you up into his arms. You cry onto his shoulder all the way home. Your kids follow close behind. It will always be your fault! You wish these voices in your head will just shut up! 
Eren walks through the door and lays you down in your bed once your inside. "Mommy needs her rest," he tells them. He leads them out of the bedroom door.
No! Please don't take them away! You need to hold on tighter! You must never let them go! You must pro....tect ....them.... The tears force you to sleep.

(Discontinued) Who's The Baby Daddy? (Eren x Pregnant!Reader x Armin)Where stories live. Discover now