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I am writing another part to this. I really hope people like my writing.

Seamus P.O.V

I was sitting in class just waiting for the bell to ring. All I heard was blah blah blah from the teacher I gave two shits about a scatter plot. I don't care. I stared at the clock waiting for it to ring.

five four three two one ring

Finally I was free from hell. I grabbed my books pushed through the crowd to my locker grabbing all my books that I need. I felt a tap on my shoulder making me look right but no one was there I looked left and almost smacked my face into James.

"What the fuck James?" I said

"I got you again." He laughed. I rolled my eyes slamming my locker shut. I picked up my bag putting it on my shoulders feeling like another four pounds was added to my shoulders. I looked over at James seeing no backpack

"Where is your backpack?" I asked.

"I don't have any homework." He said as he started skipping. He looked totally stupid. We walked all the way to his house not saying a thing. When we walked in his house I dropped my bag on the floor.

"Was that heavy?" He said while smiling

"yes" I answered. We ran to his game room turning on the game playing random games till we were hungry.

"Feed me asshole" He said

"This is your fucking house"

"You might as well live here."

"Hey I only come over here because my mom is a total bitch making me clean the whole house."

"Please feed me?" He asked again.

"Fine" I finally gave in. He pulled me from my spot on the chair dragging me all the way to the kitchen. I grabbed the peanut butter and jelly then finally bread.

"I love peanut butter and jelly" He said

"I know James I make for you all the time." Then again I felt that tap on my shoulder it was on the left this time so I looked right but he was not there so I looked left. When I did i did not know I was going to be met with lips. At first we were to scared to do anything but then he started moving his lips and putting pressure. I did not know what to do. Do I kiss back or do I stop this. Yet this kind of felt good. So I joined in the kiss. Might I say James is a wonderful kisser. It felt magical like fireworks were going off. There were butterflies in my stomach I loved it I never wanted it to end. But we did have to breath so we pulled away.

"So umm Seamus I umm really like you" He stumbled with his words.

"Awwww that was cute. I like you too James" I smiled at him. He smiled back at me bring me into another kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he grabbed my waist.

Here you go I hope you like it. I know its probably bad but yea. Bye all you beautiful and wonderful people ^-^

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