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I cant believe this I dont even know what I did. All I know is James kicked me out of the house. He threw all of my clothes on the street it was freezing and all I have is a hoodie. I pulled out my phone and call Eddie. It rang and he did not answer. I started putting my clothes in a bag when I got all of them in there I had no idea how I was going to get them to Eddie's so I just left them there and started my long walk to his house the snow was up to my ankle. I finally got there and knocked on the door. I heard some movement in the house then the door opened.

"Seamus what are you doing here?" He asked

"J-James kicked m-me ou-out its really cold Eddie." He pulled me inside. I took off my shoes.

"Alright your clothes are all wet I will get you some come on." He pulled me to his room he unzipped my hoodie take it off. Then I pulled my shirt off he unbuttoned my pants my boxers where fine. He gave me black sweats and a long sleeve shirt then a hoodie that was a little to big. I pulled the sleeves to my hands and covered them. I got in his bed and pulled the blanket over me and started crying.

"Seamus I am sorry come here." He said. I got up walked over to him he pulled me in a hug. I wrapped my arms around his neck he wrapped his around my waist. I just cried into his shirt.

"Do you know why he kicked you out?" He asked

"No I didn't do anything I think." I said he just held me. My eye eyes started getting heavy. I started to lean all my weight in him. He picked me up and laid me on the bed then got in with me. I cling to to him right away.

"I am sorry that happened Seamus." He said

"Its fine I am going to sleep." I close my eyes and feel lips on my forehead.

A/N: There is more then one I hope you like it a little. This one sucks I know I was just trying to get used to writing something a certain way someone wants it. Well I should shut up now. Have a good night or day.

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