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Seamus P.O.V

I could see the clouds turning gray. I hate thunderstorms they are scary. Jordan was playing with are cats Tali and Mr.Meowgi. I just watched the sky.

"Seamus don't be a big baby." He said

"I am not being a baby Jordan I will tell mom." I say

"Don't tell mom." He said as I got up. I ran inside Jordan right behind me. "Seamus don't please." I ran into the living room to see my dad was in there. I instantly froze. See daddy does not like me he likes to hit me.

"What you little shit?" He asks

"Where is mommy?" I ask

"She went shopping." He says his voice sounding mean. He stood up and I just stared up at him. "Are you going to stare at me all day." He pushed me so I fell to the floor. I turn around to see him smiling while talking to Jordan. Everyone likes Jordan better no one likes me. I stood up to get some water. I got to the kitchen trying to reach for the cup but I was to short. I moved the chair and stood on it. I grabbed the cup and some water. I drank it till I was done and put the cup in the sink. "Hey little shit you going to move the chair." I did as he said and ran up to my room locking the door. I grabbed my Mario doll and held it close to me. That's when I heard the first thunder. I try to pull myself closer but it did not work. I heard a knock on the door.

"W-who is it?" I ask

"Its me Jordan." I hear him say

"Come in." He door opens and he walks in and sits next to me.

"You ok?" He asks

"I am f-fine Jordan." I say. He grabs my blanket and covers us up. He lays behind me and pulls me close.

"Its ok Seamus I am here." He kisses my cheek. I turn around and try to get as close as possible. He just holds me and whispers things like 'it will be ok' 'I won't like anything happen to you' 'you are safe'. When the storm ends he stays. He kisses my cheek again which make my cheeks burn up. I look up and him and he is smiling at me making me smile. I kiss his cheek back then he kisses me. I kiss him back. We sit there for a little bit then pull away. We lay back down sharing kisses. I like this kissing my brother. Is that wrong? I don't care I like it he makes me happy.

A/N: Shhhh this never happened. I don't even understand how this came to be. I was bored and let my mind drift next thing I knew I made a one shot about incest. just wow I have gone down low. Well you can't really blame me it super late. Don't mention this to anyone if you read this keep it to yourself. Don't share with anyone. Well have a good night or day ^-^

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