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The day started out normal for the two boys. James was recording with Aleks and Kevin, of course. Jordan on the other hand was in the kitchen: trying to cook dinner.

"You fuckers!" James yelled for the hundredth time.

The look on Jordan's face you could tell he was pissed. All Jordan wanted was to spend a peaceful day with his boyfriend, but no James had to record. After an hour of listening to the yelling and screaming Jordan broke. He stomped up the stairs trying to be loud enough so James hears him. When he reaches the door  he slams it open. James jumped almost out of his chair. He muted skype call turning to his boyfriend.

"Jordan, what the fuck?" James asked.

"All I wanted was one day of just us, but no you had to record all freaking day!" Jordan yelled finally fed up with being ignored.

"Where in the fuck is this coming from?"

"You always record and I am sick of it." Jordan started to explain, "I told you this morning we should have a day, you agreed to it."

"I don't remember agreeing to that." James said confused.

"Not surprising, you don't hear anything I say anym- you know just forget about don't come near me for the rest of the night." Jordan said throwing his hands up in frustration.

Jordan went back to the kitchen just sitting down, his hand were on his face. He hated fighting with James about anything it just wasn't something Jordan did nor liked. So it was new when Jordan yelled at James (for the both of them)After sitting for a few more minutes Jordan started to finish dinner.

James still sat at his desk really confused and not really knowing what to do. I mean they don't fight a lot and when they do it is easily solved with a kiss, hug, cuddled, and a sorry. He went back to the computer un-muting the call.

"Umm guys I have to go." James said.

"Hey you ok? Something happen?" Aleks asked

"Just Jordan is upset I have to see if I can fix it."

"What did you do?" Kevin asked

"Apparently I agreed to hang out with Jordan but I don't remember so now he is upset and I have no

idea how to fix it." James explained.

"Just let him cool down for a little then try something." Aleks said

"alright thanks guys I am doing to go."

James ended the call then went downstairs seeing Jordan cooking. He walked in grabbing a water then goimg to the living room to watch some stupid show. After an hour Jordan had finished dinner then sat at the kitchen eating.

"What did you make?" James walked in grabbing a bowl.

"Soup." Was all Jordan said then started eating

James had a plan coming to mind. When they both finished dinner Jordan started doing the dishes while James came up behind him wrapping his arms around his waist.

"You cant stay mad at me forever, you know that right?" James said while standing on his tip toes placing kisses on Jordan's neck.

"W-watch me try." Jordan said trying to keep his moan in his mouth.

"Come on Jordan I am sorry I love you. After you do the dishes we can watch movies and cuddle." James was practically begging now.

Jordan let out a sigh. "Fine, but no cuddling."

They moved into the living room Jordan sitting on the far end of the couch. James put in a random romantic movie. Halfway through he saw Jordan starting to fall asleep, so James moved over to him pulling him in his arms. Jordan snuggled close to James grabbing on to his shirt smiling at the smell of him.

"I said no cuddles." Jordan said smiling

James looked down at Jordan smiling at how cute he looked.

"You cant hid that you are not loving this." James said kissing the top of Jordan's head.

He was right Jordan loves cuddles so he just pulled James closer trying to fall asleep.

A/N: Like I promised an update either Fridays or Saturdays. Hope you like it ^-^ Have a good night or day ʕ̡̢̡*✪௰✪ૢʔ̢̡̢

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