SSoHfox, Slypkc and Slymus whatever its called

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I wake up to my loud alarm going off. I grab my phone turn off the alarm and set it back down. I lazily sit up moving my hair out of my face. I stand up going to my closet looking for clothes. I just end up picking my purple Twitch hoodie, a Mario shirt and blue jeans. The usual thing you would find me wearing. I strip down to my boxers throwing on my new clothes. I decide I might as well grab something to eat. I go through all of my cabinets. In the end I just for a poptart. I take my time eating then head for the door.

“Meow.” I hear from Mr.Meowgi. I turn around to see her sitting on the couch. Hell I almost forgot to feed her. I go back to the kitchen fill her bowl up then leave. When I get to the office the parking lot is almost empty. I see I think its Sly’s car but I am not sure. I get out of the car and head inside. By the time I reach the office I hear that one giggle that makes me smile. I open the door and walk inside. I follow the giggle to the stream room. Sly is sitting on the couch watching Spongebob. I decide to join him since no one else seems to be here. I sit right next to him. Some people would think it is to close but Sly is not one of them. He even put his legs in my lap. I look over at him he gives me a smile. If you have not noticed I have a crush on Sly.

“Hi Seamus.” He says in his usual happy voice.

“Hey Sly how did you sleep?” I ask. I mean we do see each other all hours of the day. The only time we don’t see each other is when we sleep.

“I slept ok but it’s been hard to sleep without a cuddle buddy.” He answers looking back to the T.V

“I would be your cuddle buddy.” I say in a whisper hoping he doesn’t anything. He doesn’t say anything so I don’t think he heard me. I let out a sigh of relief.

“Yea that would be nice.” I hear him say. I look at him confused. He lets out a giggle. “I want you to be my cuddle buddy. But I want a test cuddle first.”

“You heard m-“

“Just shut up and cuddle with me before the guys get here.” He lays down. I get up laying on my side so we both fit. Our legs tangle together. I lay my head on his chest. He wraps his arm around me.

“So?” I ask

“This I could get used to.” He says. I can hear the smile in his voice. “So you coming over tonight?” I sit up on my elbow.

“Defiantly.” I say with a big smile on my face. He moves my hair out of my face putting his hand on my cheek.

“You know I have always loved your eyes.” He says

“Just kiss me you asshole.” His smile grows then he pulls me down. The kiss is nice and gentle. When we pull away we are both smiling.

“I could get used to this.” He adds before he pulls me into another kiss. It got a little rough. I put my hand on his chest pushing him away.

“Don’t get ahead of yourself we are still at work.” He lets out a sigh

“One more please?” I roll my eyes but place my lips on his. We stay there for a while till we hear a gasp. We pull away looking at the guys. “Cue fanboys.” He says. I looked at him confused. “I told them I liked you they begged me to tell you.”

“Finally!” I hear James shout. Sly and I laugh as the guys act like fanboys.

A/N: Fucking hell this was really long. I wrote this on paper because I got my phone token away and I lost my kindle ;-; *cries* it’s been one hell of a week (it is only Tuesday). So I am official back and will try my best to update bye-bye. Have a good night or day.

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