Chapter Three

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The next few days were a confusing mess as I am still trying my way out of this messed up new world. The doctor revealed that I am experiencing extreme memory loss, which seems like the best excuse for me to figure this out. They are all surprised that my head had healed quickly, to the point where I am able to leave the hospital.

Seokmin and Jihoon have come to help me as I am on a wheelchair. Yura, the girl who came to me many times but I refused to meet her, did not come with them when I am finally recovered from the hospital. The feeling where you think paparazzi will take photos of you, it doesn't take place in the period that I am placed. All I see are elderly grandparents and pregnant women walking in and out of the hospital.

A car is parked in front of for me, as Jihoon and Seokmin enter the car with me. I look at them, asking, "Did you guys call the car?"

Jihoon and Seokmin look at each other before saying, "Um, it was already ready for you hyung."

My expression is a bit blunt, as I am used to driving in vans for shows and appearances to shows. But seeing how I am the only one getting on with the help of the driver, I ask, "Aren't you guys getting on?"

Jihoon smiles and replies, "We'll catch up to you, we drove our own cars."

I nod sadly, waving at them as the car door closes and the driver starts to driving silently. I look out the window and think, "I don't feel good about this..."

As my facial expressions darken as I look outside, the small pellets of rain start to drizzle onto the dry earth. I watch the light raindrops falling onto the window, then sliding off out of sight. I look at the driver, who is completely focused on driving out of traffic. He looks at me, and quickly turns away. Cocking my head a little towards the left, I see the appearance of the older driver. He didn't seem young for his oldening age, like he was around his mid 50-or late 50's. His grayish hair is hidden from the dyed black hair that he has covered over. His wrinkles are slightly shown as he grimaces, trying to find a way to leave the traffic as quickly as possible.

He realizes that I have been staring at him and asks, "Do you have anything to ask Young master?"

Young master? Like those movies or dramas....that kind of Master?

I look at him and reply hesitantly, "What do you mean by 'young master'?"

I see the small beads of sweat falling down his face, as he looks at me, trying to reply. A short response comes back, "You're the boss of me....I mean your father is.."

"My father?"

"Oh dear, the memory loss must be severe..."

"Well I guess.."

"I will help you, young master, as we arrive near the mansion."

Oh shit don't tell me I'm like the chaebol's son or something.

After hearing that, I start relaxing the tense muscles that was taking place. I look at the window again, counting the raindrops that fall and slide down the glass of the window. The sky is dark with gray, puffy clouds, giving me an uneasy feeling as we head towards the so-called mansion I live in.

Arriving to a huge-sized mansion, that is probably as big as Pledis Entertainment's building, or even bigger, I am helped out of the car. The butler slowly closes the door, being watchful of the situation around him. This gave me a more nervous feeling, as I already felt uneasy from before. I am wheelchaired inside, being struck with intense aw as I look around the mansion. The inside of the house is crystal white, with marble-like staircases, royal gray-colored couches, and different rooms that have deep-mahogany colored doors.

I hear footsteps dashing through down the stairs and the doors opening. I see maids and butlers hurrying to their position. Two tall teenagers slowly make their way down the stairs, which brings me a sense of superiority above me as one of them rudely smirks at me. Following behind them, I see the girl that came to me in the hospital, Yura, slowly stepping on the stairs and avoiding eye contact with me.

I hear the footsteps from the doors on my right, as I look to see an older man yet a younger woman. The woman's face are full of tears as she looks at me, wanting to talk. But the male's face is not as warming as she was, and I feel a swift of wind.

I feel a hard smack on my cheek, and everyone gasps as I clutch my red cheek. The tears in my eyes start to gather, as I look at the rude, unknown man who slapped me. The woman screams as the man screams back at her, immediately shutting her mouth. The man says, "I can't believe I looked at you as a potential son...I thought I clearly told you not drive again!"

Nope..I must be something else in this family... never a Chaebol.

The whole house echoes with his voice, as everyone is quiet. Only the sneers from the two teenagers can be heard, as the man glares at me. I, being confused and astonished at the whole situation, look down at my feet. My hand is remaining my cheek, and the man says, " have memory loss?! Don't bring me more disappointment than you already are."

He groans and turns to see the two teenagers, who both immediately stop smiling. He walks back into the room, and slams the door which makes everyone jump. The woman comes near me, hugging me in her warm embrace as she strokes my cheek. I'm guessing she is supposedly my mom. She stands up and wipes her tears, looking at the maids and butlers.

Her voice cracks, "Go back to work."

They immediately disperse as she asks, "Can you walk?"

I nod slowly, as she takes my hands and helps me up. The sneers can be heard again as I look up to see the teenagers. One says, "What kind of loser is that kid? Ahh right, he's the illegitimate child."

"Oh yeah....and always the one to be in trouble."

Their faces are my close friends...Boo Seungkwan and Yoon Jeonghan...but to me right now, they are the rudest bastards I've ever encountered. Yura quickly runs up the stairs as Jeonghan says, "Where are you going cousin? Shouldn't you..."

His words are interrupted by someone else's voice, whose gentle voice seems very serious and angry. "Shut your ass Min Jeonghan and Seungkwan, stop acting immature for you're age."

I turn to my left to see a figure that seems like a close hyung of mine, Joshua. He looks at Jeonghan and Seungkwan as Jeonghan rolls his eyes and replies, "Like you're mature."

Joshua throws a small book at Jeonghan, which immediately Seungkwan and Jeonghan try to fight back. Joshua laughs bitterly at their actions as Joshua says, "And I forgot, Seungkwan is an illegitimate child too?"

Jeonghan stands close and puts his arm around Seungkwan, patting his shoulder as Seungkwan's face darkens. They both don't say anything so Joshua adds seriously, "I thought so. Stop causing trouble and go back to your room."

Shit, if Seventeen Joshua have heard himself cussing, he would have cried to Jisoos to forgive him.

Seungkwan and Jeonghan back away, glaring at Joshua and me before making their ways back up the stairs. The woman says, "Thank you.."

"Don't thank me. Learn how to fight against those rude bastards."

Joshua looks at me and says, "And get your memory back, or else they will make life hell for you." 

He picks up his book and retreats back to the room, which I see a glimpse of books and chairs inside, which must be the library. Afterwards, Jeonghan makes his way down the stairs, hitting my shoulder with his shoulder "on accident" before going into the same room. I hear complaining, yelling, and immediate silence. Seungkwan follows immediately after the stairs, going inside the room with a dark expression.

This is not a good day for me at all...again.

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