Chapter Six

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Soonyoung POV


I quickly hasten my steps away from the door, walking out of the hallway that she is in. I wonder why she looks so pale...I hope she isn't sick anywhere.

As I am looking at the floor, wondering what's going on, someone taps me on the shoulder. I look up to see Joshua, and he says, "Let's go. Father wants us."

I nod silently, following after the hyung as we both exit towards the stairs. Before I could make my way to the dining room, the front door opens widely with a deep yet excited voice yelling, "Soonyoung hyung!!"

All attention are now focused on the giant that comes running inside the house, and sweeping me up from the floor. I yelp and look down at Mingyu, who is my younger brother. I smile slightly at him since I feel more comfortable with the one who accepts me. Everyone watches with their cold, silent glares as Mingyu puts me down again.

Putting on a serious face, he bows at the oldest of us, which is our mother, father, and Joshua. However, I feel like he is the only person that can make me feel the most comfortable around here..with so many rumors and gossips that spread around this house, I don't know how I can survive.

Looking at us cruelly, our father averts his attention from us, and clears his threat. Our mother comes running to us, pulling the both of us inside the dining room. Jeonghan snorts at us and says aloud, "Hm I'm losing my appetite..."

Joshua looks up and glares at him with daggers. He says with a deep, warning voice, "Then don't eat."

Jeonghan gulps and replies quietly, "Nevermind."

Wonwoo smirks slightly at Jeonghan, with Seungkwan rolling his eyes every once in a while. The table is then slammed angrily by the father, which makes everyone gasp in surprise. Mingyu, who had widened his eyes, replies, "Enough is enough."

Everyone has their heads turned towards Mingyu and I for a quick second, before looking down at their laps. Mingyu sighs to himself as my breath quickens to hesitate. The elder continues, "One more word from Min Jeonghan and Min Seungkwan, you both will be severely punished. I already have a big headache from your mother, don't make me disappointed even more."

Jeonghan speaks up for the both of them, "Yes father."

"And, Joshua and Wonwoo....I will need you in the office today, follow me when I leave the house."

Wonwoo smiles to himself as he is being recognized, and replies, "Yes Father." Joshua's face is still gloomy and full of hidden anger.

"Lastly, Mingyu and Soonyoung, take a break today. Your mother and I will be attending a party later at night, take care of Yura then."

I hesitantly reply, "Y-yes father."

The room is full of silence, as it must be that Soonyoung rarely talked. Wonwoo looks up at me, making sudden eye contact before focusing his attention back at the father. He finally finsihes with, "Mingyu, your trip must have been tiring. Soonyoung has been suffering a lot lately...I am sorry for my rash decision yesterday. You two can enjoy whatever you want to do today, I will inform your teacher Soonyoung."

The room is silent even more as the scary man smiles at us, with me and Mingyu bowing back at him. This kind of attention must have rarely been received. I feel the daggers flying from Jeonghan's and Seungkwan's glare. However it is interrupted by the father hitting them on the back of their heads with a spoon, and shouts, "Hurry up and go to school!"

What is this new feeling?

The feeling of recognition?

Too bad the other Soonyoung couldn't get this attention.

The rest of breakfast is quiet, as no one dared to speak a word. Only with Mingyu whispering things into my ear as he is full of curiosity to what has happened when I arrived. Many things start to confuse me; especially, with the relationship of Yura and Soonyoung. Even if they were dating, it would be weird..because they are related in some way.

Maybe...that's the second part of my mission.

I found my first mission yesterday in my room.

Soonyoung must have planned a suicide....for himself. Too much heartaches he has received from his family, and also his difficult life....

The reason why I am brought to fix it. But why me?

I am just a plain, idol who dances and sings for a can I fix the life of someone that is totally different than mine...?

Most importantly, how long must I stay here?

And what is the actual reason of why my life is so messed up right now? 


A N: sorry for the short chapter... I won't be on as much so I am releasing chapters that I am pre-writing. I will update more chapters soon. 

- guppyxee

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