Ima Monster

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Maya's POV: Dahvie grabbed me and took me into his room with the evilest smile on his face.

"No" I said as he shut the door.

"What are you saying no to"

"My daddy said no having babies"

"Does it look like your daddy is here"

"Nuuuuuu but being a virgin is nice"

"Shut up"


He pushed me on to the bed and the worst part was is that I was trying not to die from laughter. I should not find this situation hilarious, thank you Ava for making me find horrible situations funny.

"This is going to be fun" He said winking at me.

"Nah I've been around Ava a lot so I'll be annoying"

"Try your hardest"

"First why don't you hit me with your best shot"

"songs won't get you out of it this time" he said as he slapped my cheek.

"I honestly had that coming" I said as I held my cheek.

He started taking off my clothes and I tried to push him off of me but of course it didn't work. I closed my eyes and just waited for it all to be over.

time skip to where last chapter ended

"Excuse me but if she dies I die too" I said grabbing Ava's arm.

"It's the friendship pact"

"But I love you" I whispered under my breath and looked at Andy.

"Come on guys you have to help us, they don't deserve this" Jayy told them and you could tell he was upset.

"I'm not afraid to die" Ava sang.

"Shut up" I said slapping her.

"Well I'm not"

"Well I am afraid of dying" I said.

"Girls stay focused this is serious" CC told us.

"It's hard for us to be serious I'm sorry"

"Ya Jayy we sowwy" I said puckering my lip out.

"So can you help us?" Jayy asked them.

"I guess, I'd hate to see these two dying especially this cutie" Ashley said patting my head.

"DON'T TOUCH ME" I screamed and Ava started dying from laughter.

"He would hit on you if Jayy wasn't here" I told her which is true.

"That's true"

"Sorry Jayy but she does have boobs"

"You can have Maya" Jayy told him and I almost screamed.


"She wants Andy" Ava said laughing.

"I won't disagree with that"

"I'd hit that" Andy said looking at me.


"You'd be fun" Ashley said winking at me.

"Stop it, Dahvie raped her" Ava said and they all frowned.

"We're sorry"

"It's ok as long as you propose to me right now"


"You guys have to do the spell now before Dahvie tells Satan"

"First you need to give us one of your guys most prized possessions" CC told us handing out his hand.

"Jayy do you still have our phones?" I asked.

"Here" he said handing him all of our phones.

"I need a drop of your blood and that's it"

We held out our fingers and CC used a knife and cut them open a little bit. He put water in a giant bowl and I started laughing.

"You're a wizard Harry" I said and Ava laughed.

"I just need one more thing" He said and went into his room and threw it in with the rest of the things.

"What was that?" I asked him.

"The blood and sweat from the evilest Demons"

He stirred it all together and said a few words and then poured it into three cups.


"Ew no I'd much rather die"

"Just drink it Maya" Ava told me and she chugged hers and gagged.

After her gagging like that totally makes me want to drink it now. Jayy had already drank his also and they were waiting for me. I plugged my nose and lifted the cup to my mouth and drank it as fast as I could.

"There" I said and we threw away our cups.

"So are you guys going to stay here with us" Andy questioned.

"Dahvie will know we came here so we are going to have to leave"

"Actually he would expect you to leave, he wouldn't think you would stay because you knew he would think that"

"Maya you look nervous come with me" Andy said and I followed him into a separate room.

"Did you need something?" I asked him.

"You just looked worried I thought you were about to get sick"

"What if he finds us, what are we supposed to do then. I'm only 16 years old I can't live the rest of my life living with Dahvie or even just living here in fear of him"

"I know and we are going to try and fix this it is just going to be hard"

"So do you promise to keep us safe?" I asked.

"Jayy will keep Ava safe and I will take the job of keeping you safe"

"Why can't you just kill him"

"Maya calm down, nobody in this house will let anything happen to you girls"

"I wanna go home" I said as I started crying.

"We will get you home when it is safe" He said and he hugged me.

"I want to go home now"

"You just need some sleep alright? Everything will be fine in the morning"

"Where do I sleep?"

"For right now you can just sleep in my bed, I will show you to your room later"

"Can you just stay here with me until I fall asleep so I feel safe?"

"Yes I can, is there anything you need before you sleep"

"No I'm ok" I told him and I got under the covers.

"Are you warm enough? I can get more blankets"

"I'm fine"

"Goodnight" He said kissing my forehead and I got butterflies.

"Goodnight" I replied smiling as I closed my eyes.

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